Show cire that he be olad glad to see ff any of our 1 y I friende at our office ond and receive from then ahlo an any 1 details deleat of acir prospects peen and 1 lotion hors H 1 invite all 11 who hare any mineral information to give aire us a coli call THE LITTLE cottonwood MINES from mr J EDITOR TRIBUNE according to promise ne I 1 will gise you jou a few items about little cottonwood cooj pertaining to mining thirty miles due dac et east of cf salt like lak city at one of the highest divides at the lead trail of little J cottonwood canyon you are arc enabled to 0 o survey surrey a mountainous district algoet unlimited in extent client and right here a patently parent ly in ill the central locality of A the valuable Talu ablo mineral halt traversing the whole of utah territory and striling striking through the range kanga from A north to a south westerly direction pul 1 ul lowing the tc divide mentioned you are overlooking quite a number of 0 canyon all within short dib lince which head towards howardi lilt little cottonwood the principal of which are provo prom einson american bork silver lork big cottonwood ton wood mill crock anil and parley park cannone can yoni yone the prospector will hero bore find ilia his GO field located io in the wry very heart or of abe mining region ho he can strike barile out in all to hunt for the hidden treasures treasures and finds everywhere near communication with little cat conwood oni rood c canyon a 0 yon lite sa 1 t lake val villey 1 e y or weber canyon from where to get it his is supplies etc herardini Her Reir arding the wines of bf little cot cot conwood cadou I 1 will brielly mention that the celebrated emma mint the the tho tha davenport the bonafin and read mine the chance the richmond Ilie limond aft are arc in right light from the already mentioned divide and d distant I 1 tan t one half hair to io wo two miles miles 1 Conro iniz the capacity of tile the mines mines I 1 learned abat lite emma flag staff Monte unia surna and and nd read kead mines mines will ship at the opening of the keawn ton tons I 1 i er cr day of vat val liable able ores there iq i quite a number of ars developed mines in little cottonwood respective capic capici liea kies for the F bipeen t nr a ores I 1 coal d n alt t more annn EAST calof NEWS our ophar city I 1 april 20 1871 the storm continues its gift of continuance i ii about equal to 10 the deysi persistency 3 to no y r bl j an 11 italian alien organ grinder one little sale hav as made today to day that ii ia copeland sold lie bis interest of fret feet or er one anc sextil of the vallejo mine fol for 1200 or at the rate or of for ILL alie e whole hole mine good and well developed mines are in demand here as reliable parties oro are here inquiring after is such mine 4 i but bat lie market li ia not wo we hire plenty of good mines tb that can be bou bought bt dead cheap and no buyers but tho demand tor for genuine and well developed minea is buncom slimed fumed it is a bad policy and this campt mill bo be better off as aa soon as some or of the mines in town are put in aba shape e the news from tintic gintic will take tiff off many olour of our surplus population who man to rush to cintio at once to get their share of the late born silver that is 13 so plentifully ent 1 lly scattered around loose in in that f favored ore d region bonding property for selling is is quite the rago what a nice sum it would be if all could lo be sold at the b bonding 0 n d E figures res to in such an event ophir ahl coula soon I 1 loan uncle samuel the funds to relieve himself from debt only ono one stage now runs runa dai daily ly from here to tho the city and that 1 line lite will extend to tintic gintic direct tho the omaha smelting smelling Sm elting works are re pi og finely lumber is carce and nd building is il delayed on account of r it good stocks of all kinds of merchandise chan diso cm can now be found here our mer chinis deserve credit for their enterprise Tv ILLAH CP CAMP FLOYD DISTRICT con our cinik floyd fiord april 21 1871 1 wit W feel fee that while so many men inen who ho profess to be b miners are informing forming io you of cf their progress in different dilIe mining camps wo we ought for the take bake of appearance to tell you something ahot about J t our fast rising mineral camp camp aloyd is yil in its ils infancy but growing faster than any other infant we have ever seen two months ago there were not dot more than airty men in the camp most of whom were aiu lis idle in their cabins on account of at the snow being too jeep deep for thew them to prospect today to day tho the population gambera lire five hundred men all of whom are arc busily engaged ia sinking lin ling shafts to their claims and occasionally finding a new ledge or of valuable ore there lias has been so BO I 1 am informed tome some outside ta talk k in regard to t the he mineral cral worth of our camp now we do not mk ask people to tale our bordi for it they are arc satisfied to do wf so nor do ire think it advisable for men lose who imo halo never been to camp floyd and who know batting about it as a mineral district lo 10 listen to parties who are prejudiced against it imply boac one or of their friends has not located them in ia all the claims he be holds holdi but come and see for yourselves youra elvea gentlemen we Is will take lake pleasure in ill allowing you our ground and home that we feel safe in eijin ti jin will you when you se see it our accommodations are not first class lut but we will take you to our cabins anil and feed you all and give you a place to sleep the th best beet we lave have lint but let this be sufficient for today to day I 1 will let id you yon hear bear from me again auto us a A BIG transaction aho chicci chicago o mining bureau haq hal received from eli U B K kebby I 1 sen three salu valuable able silver bearing rel g odes lodes of large size site as well as his celebrated tunnel clam claim ill tho the canyon embracing twenty lodes or of great value this Is 11 said to be the lind kind of vein vein that is firm as the alc hills true fixture veini vein or of pacing aa to silver assaying from rom t 30 0 to shuo J 0 0 per ton near tho the surface I 1 with wilh is large larg 0 per cent of lead th the 11 above is one of lie ho largest enterprises terp rises yet made enide in that rich region made by A 1 I ali ali ll in behalf of the ho he re represents 1 C n t 51 it is certain cartain thit lint ir if they t ua alit tood od paying payin 9 TOS of ilver I 1 they I 1 ti theman the bian hero here ita has tin tile nerve I 1 take hold A CHUNK mr lr napper in a a litter later to n friend lore bore beales ala ri tha aliat it lie haq fonne ill tile the vein rein of horn silver in ill the Sho shamrock mine situated Bilu attil on silver hill east at canyon Can jon a chunk among other smaller ones weighing GO CO lbs iba 8 oz of the product i of this vein tein assay from to 20 to tho the ton tile is posiC 0 lise Mors of this ibis val valm lile prospect aro are IV S ambe mr IV IT il si 8 and aai mr C regent the latter two gen genderen demen reinden tm of if new ne AV york lity city we may remark here incidentally that we WB has hate a no advises advices aa yet of any ally a shipment b iam ent of this rioh ore to our edito rial address |