Show reace peace and war the following dispatches din patches s we acro to read by representative barry of mississippi in the course of it is recent speech april 2 lion I 1 A A amcie in es united states senate hn itol I hong fiona G L harria J L morphia barry G C beckee and L W of the house gentlemen 11 lest lert the hie government should be led astray by tile the less statements published in n northern newspapers on tile information of it ir responsible c anil and by other niia mis representations I 1 I 1 feel fed it my duty as governor of thin state ti bring brag under your knowledge a the fol following lowin actu I 1 laite I 1 I 1 ire before me tho the official returns furnished by the auditors of public accounts of the cb e ims i m g pre gets bcd and allowed in A ilis i api for ali h 0 ant III ft tivo ire yea yeara ra r for I 1 or twelve months of JT istar g ere rist nent 1870 i 0 thiry ti r Y no number mb e r ga bic for f v r tylly 0 months Is of cirl ciril g 0 n t I 1 ending march 1 1871 alipy y n number u m precisely ithel baor the baic so m e 0 on ie w h year ar then luc luding the Irio mo siHon in tile lt ar mind front from force to law the civil p power n lias been fully aa s successful ui 29 kever aga I 1 till I 1 in protecting life in n the hc last six months of each of the two LIT n years under comparison the number cumbe r of murders fit alim us bla bbown own was wag iti ai follow wa under military government governmental 41 where as the number under civil government wan wan but 19 while wo we thui thas see sec tile the military rule goes ou on in an increase of crime which points to the presume tion thatis would lead to anarchy we see the civil rule go on ia a decrease of crime which points to the mp tion that it will wilf lead to absolute repose I 1 apak 0 only for in my y own stata 1 signed I 9 i lied J I 1 L alcoa goy coy or ofil miss iss JACKSON april 3 to ihn A united stites senate sanate tho the andi auditors tors books show 51 killed from march 1 1869 to march 1 1870 rod and 83 from 1 1870 0 to february 17 reports of inquest on many known to bave been killed binco january 1 1871 nt received by the aud and tor for national troop a were sent bent to meridian lie r i than after the life riot was over JACK sox april 4 to lion iron A awes united states senate Son atef auditors Aud itofa books show killed last three months janary 11 february 11 14 march 23 auditor states at least 15 more killed in ia march not officially reported |