Show 1 the growth of public credit I 1 st petersburg dispatches published this his morning state that a moneyed house housain in that city sends a subscription of to new fire per centa ion ais accompanying the same with a solicitation for an agency to negotiate for I 1 tw be male of the new funds the lye five per MIS cover with this thia J juat talen taken at st or the tales sales fook U and ly we 0 presume the whole amount will willin be tl ti ken before the ath of july in ID 1859 1850 or Bu chinana secretary of the treasury was compelled to ne negotiate ii a small email loan of ten tco millions at tile tho lih bi h rato rate of 12 pet per cent and od ho could obtain no better belter terms arii tr ii though the public debt then was via ML almost nothing now ow by the vigor of the nation in afy tog ing off nearly cotie one fifth of the tb great dabat in less leas than six biz years the iha secretary of the lh treasury Troa aury finds tandy ready takers in europe at five fie per cent and will find just as aa ready takers at four a and rid four and a half per cent when all lie alvs are old oil throughout all 11 he markets 0 th con conin kinnitt kin pitt nt pur oat pix ix R per er centi are worth car r h more marc titan than 13 fit 81 condoli cone ce oli aud and white while brince could not sell all worth of five pe pc r cents for more bore th than il I 1 1 0 1 I 1 0 to rail catbe the indemnity bac 0 iffy tile th united states finds takers of five per 11 r can gold awls hemia hir alfin in tho tha loncoa markci for ii a loan loa n not t 2 6 one 0 quarter is as largo ai a i auls ours and finding tiers in doubt about al investing the we wa ina made do yest yesterday arday of the national nal ronal finance Cuan cef favorable ni as it wn was was wan abort of tile th whole truth reckoning upon the present tables i of u receipt rec cipta is and by the lat lal of apt it 1873 there will I 1 ouli remain or of tuo be debt abt unpaid if hearing interest inter cut BY that time th chellow ellow loan ara r will all have adea floated and nil then our interest inter cut payments will lie be as follows annual anni interest on oa Sl at 5 per cant ta 25 oo on at 11 III 4 pur poe COOL coat 13 ua on can at t I 1 per conti oo on 00 lit at 6 eay I 1 I 1 ia 0 f aulov ia I 1 jy BY that aimee the ho current or of the ho should and probably akly will lie be reduced including e i fur for pensions t 11 then the hole still to b iiii t anno illy met am lit any pay went of lit the iho Inin of the debt jonh toni I 1 le be but which is ia lusi lag a t llan was paid ont aas t year on all accounts account and SOS loss low that will lavive been collected from all sources fur for tile year ending m january lot 1872 sic union logli |