Show narrow game Kall road we present below some interact int erat ing views i 1 onil I or of two tiro of our california the and eby are arc pertinent to our own situation thai is ii a subject that is reap iving juht now considerable at 1 l lalion from parties interested ir ia miu min in aig uig tho the narrow gauge TV will ill style of roa so BO fa far r ill as brauch branch lines jines art are concerned fur for the ila transportation or of our miner I 1 jo 4 the subject of harrow barrow gauge raili rail roads hd g after a has re cei the endorsement of rail railroad roal roal I 1 at 0 Luil im ier lerg find and are arc now prep pared to toia invest Vestia ia liar narrow ra gauge roald swi w wo 0 in kiy 1 I y expect to goo a bluesh levoit of it 0 of r f 1 c m 0 01 c cr r t tle ba i r 1 0 1 e c u tf r k f 1 i gi e r n cn isilta p i t a 1 i st e havi a v ia decided t build I 1 ir f it shall be finn finni I practicable fl a viar gaego in a frost from I 1 suit san franciaco ilono n tile iho cannot W sanu san ta cruz san luis dacita S iota barham san buenaventura and los ios angeles An selea and frem there t 0 the colorado river A barve ying pl parly arty of abou twenty IP N Bobin Koli inson tion esq i civil lingi Eng ocer weer start etarl ed cj front from this city 1 a I few days mn sine to survey the route I 1 i bey hall hail It at point san sad pedro yester yesterday dai and will push posh the he work through Z it fig as rapidly as possible of the feasibility of building the road read there to bo be no doubt there will be ba but little grad to bog required between here aud and L los 09 I 1 angeles as the road will keep dose close to lot life alio beach most of the way down valleys will fill find an oil outlet tle tand and wiLh without ouid doubt the roid road will have alt all it can do to tran tract port rt the dil dairy and farm products grain wool timber etc which will bi b offer cd ad wo we trust the report of the engineer will II bl such that it may be deemed di einfel ait to commence the work of 0 construction at once narrow gauge roa road li are proving proving a groat success in the mining dimitric L 0 f road have recently t y been constructed of two feet six eix ins indiala as gauge where elf inea are used art of ilisa than cie eight lit tona tells avil which tell att attain in a sa caf ced of twenty miles milca an hour al A 0 it mide made to the L legislature e g isla on t the b e s subject u b je c t 0 of f the s so tur r eoala 0 i 1 th gume li u up p tl their ic i r r u ait i 0 a di lantigua lant a 1 igea most lost 1 olour of our rodj of sina aaa a ad difficult transport tra sp more than twice rl as mit indich ch dead rean or dt info tag weight as would be required 6 re under r the tha regime of the narrow an ali 8 choel cir air ollile of the broad 1 I ft sj in av gauge e nearly ton tins while a f IB I B heeled car of the geggis weighs three tests and cart acs ics a burden of BIT BIX tons the actual ratio of nn viti paying to pacing on the pes road ia one to four vilt aluli ili tint that of roads of four feet and one half bulfinch inch gauge is ii as about one to one mr fr hob rt 1 fairlie of worldwide world wide wida i reputation lon aa a a mechanical mechau in ical engineer allu abla ITO disproportion I 1 ly y tile expression th thit it we pend a gallon gall 0 measure ti 0 carry a 0 pint A and n d t there it c r le is ia nearly an equal difference in the effect ol of wear and tear lear with the two gauges the wheel zin differing in a geometric goom etric ratio more tha than n t this the c cylinder ii r power of a 11 toiuo lococo LIT tite und undoubtedly t ad y increases increases in ia tonia flocie ratio inversely to its ia iu creidt creaso iu ia feigi I 1 partly bebau o more useful effect is ia d den craved ted from the tha luel fuel burned burne d in in smail email boilers boiler partly artly because the low driving tave cave greater leverage leT Crago upon the load and partly lr other apparent reasons in this connection thoro there may be some to two si I 1 in ia tile the comparison or of the pony with the file horse he rips tho the smaller animal will twill pull full more more in rr proportion 0 po to fit weigh t than the larger a girgor I 1 iho cusi cost of hauling a ton ten of goods over a narrow gauge road may he be safely reckoned at less tho thin one half the cost cos of hauling ha tiling tho the same bame goods gooda over a roa road of cou common sulon gauge |