Show LOCAL ITEMS cei d daily by first nole K dional bank coll got I 1 coin buying at t 10 sem fillol 1 to do general housework homework WAN agars i A tit apply at the arct office tug tilt macy friend or of mr W if shear man will be pail I 1 tr to hear that ho he still ill are rema mailas very try ill FBI Nr krisatis our weekly rarer being yet suspended hr far a whiles while we again preasa another tree free dumber cumber of abt be daily dally subscribers ribert 1 to our weekly till ma FAID henry of catho the arm or of walker acro deals start wol west oa an sunday rooming morning next for the purpose a twenty stamp blimp quartz mil to be erected in et east njoni anyon nj controlling terr ex cla sivo mining nig interests in that ali T ej befit OD can run a mill mal I 1 region re on they bey to they of that capacity wit cihi h the ll 11 projects of their own claims they however hoi hobor or pur of sufficient poi importing rop orling ao 80 assistant power to drive additional stamps for custom rock these po poi cor cors nrc are ur ohve t to the ilic went or of ll 11 the country 1 and l lh be first on haud to 10 meet tile dou A mill in IB est cast canyon will prove benefit to lo ophir to an I 1 give agn liddy tol lia lilily to the place altce mr kobl bob ai V alker tot ent etl east I 1 T of ILI days since on business connected with the arm sad rad the llie emma eraitt building s tre are til all the go ado bles blei are rc ruled out still qa the llo maddened jovita jouk to rush kl at once into besmen busmen busia leps will wall not wait for brick ad tol tone stone la in most molt instances too loo ill alit buildings are being erected oo on ground gr oural and the cheap tot it Is s therefore the ati best beit wo we hope to see lf this thil kind of building up speedily in all pervaded by permanent pei manent erections that will add to the beauty tad find wealth of the lle city we to have hatte a prejudice against board ties kad 4 balloon houses they savor more of excitement chaa penty we the receipt from frem it its author of an aa interesting romp b lot let on oa the mining schools of the united states which originally appeared as so article la antho the N r A rea renew tells and WM reprinted at the request of the ibe of columbia Colam bik college under whose auspices wf was founded six alx lx years yearl ago the abe first school of f mining science in the tb country cou alry space permitting we iro shall take pleasure plea BUre in ili reviewing and extracting from this valuable Tl little work OLT OIT TO 10 tin tilt falls ii to the rage of build l ors ewt now BOW but we notice ilic that S mill lne less the ihn enterprising fruiterer I 1 il making improvements toward the rear the old stand of staines i needham appears to t have taken liken a new lease leaie of bovine in en ter prise maltese is ia well known among our citizens nd and evidently believes abat ill t the good time is ia coniing coming for him as we well I 1 as for others tuft we imagine imi igloe has bu ball ciaja a loc tare laro read to it by authority from held head quarters it is is very IX ersy of late flying away to the rest eit to look late doctor factories at and aad built boot up basilicas busi basili orai cas in vermont Ver moot the herald would woold like ilka to work at home borne but the subject in 1 surrounded by too loo miny many forbidden topics it Is allowee to lo talk boat about tb the territorial officials the beto been UM ties or christian civilization toil and ono one or two other matters but those got at a to particularly to its gentiles eDli loi readers ailen re wb abo furnish most of the means that keers the iho of the institution greased tax win wall very fine yesterday yeB trier after the subsidence of be storm dorm the ibe streets were quite dry and bard in I 1 be afternoon sod od teasel was good tetra were k few arrivals riTala nr from the iho follies registered at tho the hotels A temporary truce to la tte the bus loess and activity of the ibe miia main abor of the city seems to bears basen effe cLell to parallel the weather neither the latest word from the mines la Is favorable j everything indicate loll cita lively times the coming summer IlAw LITs TO 0 dat there is ii likely to be quite in an attendance at the ibe 34 district court this illa morning to heir bear the decision ol of judge hawley lu ilk the silver shield mining cise case there Tier etre are a number of t important Import int laro lared of grot great in ia terest to miners kod and capit allstep the ibo deel idea foa ot of which will have bare it decided influence way wa or mother another on tho the or of the territory we aill endeavor oade aTor to lay iny before our oar readers in abstract of tho the decision at the earliest moment masses W L of thoi theo Te stevin tall aid thomas thom JoEt rito of oc council oluffa are in ia the ibe city ell in n rout refills to where mr peabody and we bout the he others also have mining later intern let ash Too tevin and nd jefferies are prospecting for a mill sita every stone Is formal to make ogden lively alors are re busy baay mining tod sad say eky that their prospects are r good the white ahil house we unde bajer r stand Is ie to bo be opened soon ur mr ila iier r risen leases is 11 first fint class man se 1 visitors may deberal on oa first firel class accous accons parties interested in ia purchasing edg provisions or groceries gr ocen will find a notice in ia I 1 that from J silver stating that b be li Is to sell ell kt at wholesale or retail either to families or raibon mr lie 3 1 I K a too well wall and favorably known to require any tar z blag blog us uj ft a wagon load of orlik kal gal wll well bleu bless yu you 0 KJ ya the tb ogden Jun junction cloan a fw few doty adji 0 s go o bring us a wagon and well curse yet 7 ald said brigham cribei Crib ni young and aj th iciest hood waca when the ibe comme aed a its if career how change I 1 1 WO win will liter is ia koj any communication but of ter lr that cannot justly bo be censured hf by the lh wr set aiters if mistakes occur A wink less i stood bod 63 a bell a etc ad A NEW SALT LANE WO il 11 D lot ot know that ft a rival theater existed in ia sall lake city nor wre were we aware another company were drawing 41 crowded houses until our astonished vision rot restad upon ft a 1 playbill maybill play may bill of the be new corpany par printed rated with some writing ink and 1 a c camela aado I 1 a hair brueh and del stuck on tb the corner of a fence in iho be ward fill this morning from ibis placard w a learn learned a is at 1 l that hat the new theater ilk ia the icah word ward and that the charge of admissions admission in order to place the luxury within the retch reach of tile the lowliest as ten cents wa this evening there will be performed tin ti Tn sILLING or OF WILLIAM TELL il to be followed by the iho gre grand tiras act A cl pleasant drama of THE MAID M A I 1 D OP OF CROISSY Y the public will be interested as we were to learn that thai the STRANGER is 15 in io lac Tre parati who the I stranger will or ill be we are not dot informed nor who will personate peno oate mra hailer we consider ibis a amot move in the ali e right direction A ing play piny and od a franq for loo ion is il what humanity neetia the utah public have not dot been thrilled its 68 cheaply as that cast for ft a long time another fine fiao feature in ia ibis new theater Is that it does doci not fiol intend to io mi minister cister to pride none kone of your jour aristocratic distine tion lion of boxes from pit As radicals we like ibis ibie W have foraged for the iho day that thai notile reduce us busnot not all to ten led cents for vie e have all boon been there too long ft a lime carlo already but to ft a glorious state of equal II afy where all will be as good as aa another tto obe kod find a great deal better belter but we must musi stop this sort port of talk there is another bide aide to the picture who knows abal bright stal shining lights may yet come out of a ten cent theater I 1 we admire abo be pluck young joong baid wish bucce a to io bean noil and especially to the dramas which are in 41 preparation 11 great fridl caused lis his lectures last evening on the prophecies his closing disco was WAB from frem a text found in revelations he that the roman itoman 1 catholic church represented the woman upon poll the be scarlet colored beast spoken of bythe by tho ReT clator jobu joba tied and represented also apon his hii chart this harlot of tho the church the ibe speaker maintained was waa destroyed in fulfillment of pr prophecy ophey on the day of last september wit when a the h king of italy overthrew brew tho the ropes repose temporal power rider elder grant did not as 3 was anticipated tell his bia bearers elhat constitutes the bo kingdom of god whether the mormon church or some other body omission woi wea very marked sod naturally Data rally daive rao to a morrial montal query or two ead the discourse appeared somewhat acad idalou ft without ft a theory ou on this bob aub jeet like the play of hamlet s ith the part of hamlet left out especially so BO wiep be his bia hearers bearers that the marria marriage go 0 of r be lamb la Is to 0 o bo be the next great event in the order of the fulfillment of prophecy still the iho elder is s a very clever cleter nod and logen tons expounder bid hi delivery and add particularly his hia emphasis being exceptionably goo boo the discourses well merit the largo sad lod appreciative audiences which be b baji x drawn lie he will lecture again i at t the bo sam bame e place tomorrow to morrow evening nl fit 5 p in m on 00 bo be subject of spiritualism TRIAL or OF TOI THE AxE RICAN ORGAN at a rehearsal of the choir held at al the alio ne new meeting fuse ou on thursday craning the qualities of I 1 the new DOW american organ were tested i by professor saor fritt the organ both for volume sell aal variety of gato unlimited satisfaction Batla faction to nil all present we believe this organ will yet supersede in the market wo we only wish that our who have the few remaining matters in band necessary to complete list ibal house would finish lt ii and nj let us ui fill all gt got in and heir bar the ibe organ for ourselves the reform building las a big future before it U we trust both religious literary and political tue bews published last lait night a letter fr from m suit salt lake in a the oma be Ife sald la in defence of judge mckean to any one lasta unfair land bad jote rested than the abbo miller its iti clear dispassionate and conclusive reasoning leaBon log and exhibition of facts would be perfectly dut but it gives the abbe another chance to misrepresent and calumniate the Judge and the opportunity in i ool not lott lost like all dew converts abo abbo la wonderfully bealo 0 to zealous fea looB indeed ebat auspicious people might mistrust big mullets we do not partake of this nation but bat we are etro I 1 that be valiant ml and supple a arat de dc serves erre i a higher hiber reward than t to 0 o bo be copied into and complimented by 1 the bo leeria arf A mission to far Ba bathers thess would bo be abou I 1 the right thing fir abe tb ails Ala bostal the numerous Du articles deposited in ia the ibe corner stone of gruft grace church sao ao ramen top laid ON 0 th icat WH was a friction fraction of the be corner stone IOD of f the ih first episcopal Epig copil church of sill salt like presented by blaster charley hant alit chief tor nor of orate church holds within iu its toot idlest data jt from which I 1 a great deal ditl of the th history of california and the west might be reconstructed but considerable of it ii imperishable on matter left yesterday by the ibe 2 rpm p an train inia for his home bom la in chico california mr lie C has mide made i a number dumber of acquaintances litre here who will be later total io in his hl future irl fr we W wish wh him le fare r journey to his hour home and 1 a lifelong ag prosperity dr sherman is i still here he informs us i that only a few dollar is now necessary to empl cho capital stock lock of the salt like branch of the he orel rest western fir co IL Is IB b all lo 10 b a sort nj I 1 profit sible invest intel adl li i L coin cobb hu bee just junt storied to the alie city pitr an Q antoc or of iwo 1110 months la in the ekit east where h he lied a very eitta BIT atif stock of goods oda suitable uil Ll for ihli ibis marlatt watters bros liati have just received th ill latest style lart or of the most moat elegant gold chains charm cha riua soto to call and examine them |