Show 0 THE DAILY 3 TRIBUNE SALT LAKE LAIC CITY UTA UTAH U SATURDAY INING JULY 7 1894 i I 1 FINANCIAL AND commercial DIST disturbing R OB axe ON TRADE bradstreets review for the week weak tho the froza from san francisco to chicago now york july 6 in view of tho the continuance ti nuance of the strike and nd the fact that tho the strikers silo show no barn of weakening the share speculation was waa firm at tho the opening trading wa as heavy chiefly owing to receipts of strong orders froni from london which it was wai at first thought was due dua to feell feelings of alarm created in tho the foreign speculative breast by the congested enato brutto of railroad labor here and which it was discovered were due to the announcement of tho the aumpol alon of a london backlog house which also caused american on the th london sto stock ck exchange to yield slightly after tho the farat nurry flurry the market steadied itself and 8 at t no time dur during ng the th day was there any protracted period of depression or heavy to sell except in sugar st SL paul was the only stock of the th milway list which showed any noth activity ity it was firmly held all day never reacting more than per cent and closing within per cent of loat nathl the bond market was inn firm in the cpru ing but closed weak rs TRADE REVIEW tomorrow to morrow july ath will may fifty aside from the intervention of a hollay holiday thero there la is a sharp restriction of general engral trado trade and industrial Indu atrial production ue ile to railway troi bles ca west weal ot of tho the alto ebanies and north of the ohio river bich extend vest est lend southwest to t be pacific coast and mako make their influence felt in other d it lons the combined railroad strike and boycott has had a steadily increasing and damaging danian ff influence upon the general industrial du all cereals except wheat have shown ft a decided advance lit in price pork and lard are up sharply as s alo aio vo ge tables meats and other product pro duci pig fro iron we west at li Is commanding more per ton ion and cattle bogs and sheep are X hl 97 her ever even as am to far mn markets k where receipt are restricted toe the foretro ing features aro are most conspicuous at al chicago Clil caBo and san francisco but arft are having a very effect at minneapolis st paul Aukee cornalia Or nalia city st louis find and cleveland at the latter eastern center there Is no material gain in tho the situation beyond at a speculative in wool which increased tho the volume ot of males at boston bohton nt at a total four times as a grunt great as aa that reported in the week a year ago 0 o adlle L silo from tho the increase in tho the restriction of iredo at duo due to the ali lull way situation there la Is a revive revival in domand demand for bailets for future delivery at it the uniti unit I states slates and canada carried over in july lot lac fully bushels bushela of wheat against bu s heli A a ye year ago and one half to onet one t third a ai 1 ure ge quantities quant lile visible in preceding years the total lots hero here and in canada canaan nd afloat for july was bushels compard with bushel i one year opo ago with Aut australian ralian stocks tho worlds visible wheat cupply july lot lit was bushels buhela 9 agenal uk anal bun licia one year airo afro when the tha total was the laret on record for a ilk alko date higher prices for wheat at an early date would cold appear to depend upon the truth of tho the assertion that the donin doni uc tic lahoar supplies Hupp lloa a arc re practical exhausts of which act I 1 thero h era Is 11 no ev evidence the th t total 0 tal exports of wheat from tile llie united S tem an und d canada flour included week lacek are arc 1187 aa bushels bushel against last lak bushels in tho the week a year ago aeo Busl nesi failures snow it a further total decrease in tho the week bating only iga abnot 18 last week becki in the week aeck a oar ato ago and in the neck to jeftro ago affo THE BANK clearances the following table compiled by brad Street ll shows hows tha its total total clearances clearance a at the principal cities and the percentage of increase or decrease its ha combat d with the corresponding week last ine inc do doc new york 1 chicago 15 8 S boston 78 73 ita 00 philadelphia G ga 4 st loula louis 10 6 san francisco aa baltimore 11 I 1 4 9 C cincinnati 1 I kansas city 94 new orleans gas 21 6 buffalo 12 ji 9 detroit aalst sa Louls louisville vIllo al 61 71 minneapolis ii lua omah omaha ul 21 3 providence HA A 44 3 cleveland IN 3 hounion 1 wa st paul 1 I 36 6 denver ai 3 indianapolis 16 76 columbus 0 2 I 1 ill 6 hartford auml 22 6 richmond 2 7 0 O washington duluth sybll 61 6 dallas st joseph 5 ji I 1 peoria 6 66 G memphis IVA ia ac portland or 3 1 3 48 2 rochester 32 6 new haven 1329 Ul 12 1 savannah 20 6 t mass blass 14 iuS 43 Worce er cli portland 11 mo 0 14 6 A atlanta lima ta basl 1 ali 1 2 foit worth 2711 2 waco syracuse 97 SD I 1 dom of grand rapids mia 1 i 9 seattle ea 9 8 9 lowel I 1 MS 13 1 3 t 26 Wilm inmon del norfolk F ei 68 sioux city los angeles is 7 13 15 35 8 S mich spokane K 64 backony jick oneillo allo SO 2 lincoln lincoln W 17 6 jj now new bedford rl abslem 6 60 0 wichita birmingham bi 61 topeka isire i 4 3 lexington ky 4 47 T h iiri Dingli ampton 11 rolo ai eo emporia kan brijo 0 pay icy mich i 19 I 1 C frail fill river akron kron 0 0 1 jv N in 1171 sa 0 0 I 1 1 11 1 0 canton canlon 0 7 faux palls I 1 5 6 fremont Frein ont neb 20 1 fasti neb chattanooga id 0 a wargo firpo 1 I nashville attoa calveston 1 salt lake city scranton Sc ranion 1 I P 14 iona kalamazoo totals united states 3 ISlAI SOs 5 va ot of N y not included la total DOMINION OF CANADA montrevil fontron I 1 14 is 2 toronto 1 liall fx hamilton winnipeg ill totals ta MONEY MONET BONDS AND STOCKS money broney on call ew easy at 1 per cent last loan at al 1 per cent cloned at I 1 per cent prime mercantile paper lapar aper per cent flerl e exchange ge dull aft with actual business bU Elneas ingin in banks bank c cis I 1 m bills at 1 tl I SW tor for d mand rind M 4 SS for co days dava posted sted rat 34 sj ti commercial bills SO silver certificates artz tile the total sales of stocks today to day dav were phares Inc luell ng am american 0 rican sugar suar 60 GOO chicago GIB gas heibl delaware bludson WA distilling Din tilling 10 2904 lo C electric aioo Blisso missouri url Cic SM st paul government bonds farin state bondi dull petroleum toady steady pennsylvania oil no atte afas august option no sales ft 81 bid lima oil no gales BONDS CLOSING TT S ea urr R G 73 IL U S 1 as coup inal fa foura 1 70 V I 1 j K aa rob lumerle as 73 U S 41 coup 11 0 11 II ir A A 8 M A A 04 n 1 U 8 2 rt reg M V mellon bevens 1 37 97 pac bi at 0 ia 11 6 tr 1 T I C I 1 go ell ala cl alaia aiA A lw 1410 bibee wf 11 6 class clasa 13 II 11 K T IA I A 43 8 MS 9 4 clean C 81 91 second 43 curf currency ency P mut union ain lne 1 17 la new cons is 4 91 94 N J C gen ben 5 ill mo go 03 10 nor pao pac la Is W 1014 N C ca lj seconds M fours foura 04 cona ivy 1101 4 S 0 non a fund S F dob 6 69 ill tenni n a 62 7 aai vt Sl n R G IN 1 Is avi 0 haca ml lot st 81 P ta old aj 0 K C P W so ba AIs lve vo va cent Mi mesili all SiLI AT 0 ni 61 r ew 5 der 7 F r K binca fecs tl 1 aft li 4 ar W tx tex aae pac la 80 fee second A ag me seconds cj sl 21 sou 23 7 I 1 10 M P I 1 of E 1 ID 0 or ki 1 I 1 alov or west share 44 Q 1 1034 miscellaneous STOCKS alchron ba nor pan pad 0 ay A dams E ia ha I 4 preferred alt T H 32 IT P 1 G 3 referred lio li o im aai 17 ux 3 for it A 0 0 71 t cpr npr N 9 can call pao pac M I 1 11 14 4 can 1 l sou ore IMP 32 cren 70 cent t pac c wl ore nav 32 C st 0 1 19 li I 1 S L U N 1411 4 chi alt pao mall C CB B Q 70 ill D n a chi GUI gas pittsburg C C C st I 1 arii pullman pl pal 1169 col cal C I 1 C K cot oil cL cert rt rich term del I 1 preferred 4 D 1 li W RIO a 4 W D it 11 0 ard 21 24 preferred R D C F r co 24 nock island alast ln il toun 6 st P ajile uric 33 pr erred preferred st P 0 0 aw 1 ort wayne 11 rt ref rr e 14 gt nor pad pfd aa ST sou pac 0 1 I 1 pad pfd I 1 Cs sun suir ilelle S vat terin a ik I 1 L V cort witco tex P pac QC IF I 1 ftp D wi 2 2 T 0 C af pf pw a X T rid I 1 it union pao pac 13 L E V IT S ix ex W az t W V st bt ij P b lk a sh 12 I 1 d imet L q W r I 1 ex in M N 44 wast IL union aa L 11 x 7 wa W L E 10 manatt con preferred 13 BI C 5 iann h st ht IS alach cent 91 D ac R 9 pao 24 gen alt 3 66 6 6 bf A 0 14 nit antt linseed ilni I 19 nash chatt 70 col P r I 1 24 nat cord r d 68 preferred 3 31 1 I I 1 rf T r C 2 J C T A A N I 1 M 3 N y C I 1 ma A T st ft I 1 bic K C 1 na W pad pfd I 1 preferred 7 A nor amer co MINING STOCKS SAN FRANCISCO alta S IS 25 4 53 s k i 1 y N M 11 D I 1 CA a mono lono 81 bidlo con 1 ak phar ip h lr I 1 V or 2 potoae 43 chollar az 2 anva abaffe ge 31 con cal va 3 oti oo sierra ney nev j 66 crown point vi hi union con 34 furek con at N tb ni 0 C U F yel jacket TacIt Ct 41 I 1 NEW YORK crown point oj jj u 0 45 3 chollar 20 sierra noy nev 0 con cal va 2 8 K standard 1 M deadwood hounion con 20 plymouth 10 idyll acl jacket 20 80 it II N lo 10 miron iron silver 10 Homec Homes lako tako I 1 12 2 60 quicksilver 11 25 5 Blex mexican ican 60 preferred 13 0 13 ontario 3 fid bulwer 15 IM 1 V sliver silver and nd lead quotation reported by wells fa carfo S co au now new tork per ewt A 10 SILVER I 1 N now r york per ounce london per ounce 29 the nw new york tork ju joy y 6 PIG TOW dull COPPER quiet IAL quatt CIO tr traits SO 80 md bid esles quiet spear quiet and steady domeaux 33 t 0 40 tw bid salea on change Chi inse five tons ton july tin sa 9 35 silver allter and ancl drafke sn san july 6 amft iffet ao 10 telegraphic floars ca bit je dollars english money moner and new 2 I 1 ew york july 6 tho the evening posta london cablegram says saya there ana its mume me in today oday to o day relar on of apen ng fal allures lures th tho e basis of 0 these rumors atia as the nus bus pension of ono one house houe all including americans americana were affected but not s Y geerd 0 I 1 I 1 averl of oc american avlo eold i ll 11 and clo aal ayl g prices elnere heavy LIVE stoa OMAHA omaha neb july 6 CATTLE n WO market slow alow and tin uncertain certain a oliue lower than yesterday prices ran from 51 cial 90 v bleh la IS the top notch for or this year ea r prime steers good to chilco eh ole 54 4 25 fasseas eras Fas Bera sers UW 40 we sterns sou 1 texans I edans common and canning cows 1 va 23 aloa fcc ners ers 3 common ana kers 2 kitta 1 no sheep CHICAGO chicago july 6 thre head bead of cattle wo wore re driven into tho the yards yesterday yent erday end and that constituted the days receipts receipt N nominally am prices aro are not higher than they were a week aro on monday aa hog coira arrived and since then thirteen bead have bern ben received making ft a total for the last five days day oi 0 the prices obtained worn very uneven there was a sale bale yesterday at t 35 60 50 and that figuro was laas offered tor for a load today d v receipts of sheep for fop tho the week so 0 o far have been all head all 11 of which arrived monday tho the market has advanced to FL aw 00 for poor to c choice I 1 10 tee sheep and OCi JaCC for spring lambs KANSAS CITY kansas city july G CATTLE re I 1 shipments IW market steady texas steers ag texas cows cow native cows SIW stockers and an feeders 1 bulls KM ans cju 75 SHEEP bep receipts DOD 00 shipments steady GRAIN AND PROVISION TS chicago july 6 wheat continued its lt decline today to day under t tho he depressed influence or of tho the and closed bac c lower corn closed bao ao lower oats oata sc c lower for september and and provisions at a slight silent de da cline in the wheat pit the strike tuition situation w was the all absorbing topic and tho the labor troubles lea and the fear ot of tho the same sp spreading read caused a rood elal dal of apprehend apprehension a ion and more or less realizing holders carrying to await further developments and declined in consequence opening were at iaac decline and kedu ally worked down aadal ipac rallied en wired some and closed clos easy tho the taulo brud was dull corn was ithan c e range rane the tha market was weak at tho the close on the strike ollo situation oats wen weak on selling pressure tho the chamiw WAS c for july provisions were very lull dull and easy with wheat comp compared arLd last september pork park Is loc lower september lard 20 lower and september ribs ac lower the leading futures ranged as follows articles open high low close wheat no 2 july ju baw fig 1 to ma N 0 i sea 6 ait as MS 6 fisi december 61 61 eit 00 M oo cwi corn no 2 july 41 1 40 WS september ilia 41 ili 44 7 t 41 october 41 is 41 W 4 oil lui oats no 2 july wa 87 57 27 august 27 ail wn 29 A 29 LI ai V Sp LemLer yx TR 95 SS ai 23 bl may 1 3 as lt sl n 32 3 2 MODS pork orl july 12 zi K 1223 12 25 12 25 12 US 25 september 12 60 12 CO 60 LIU S UCO 1240 jui uy lard y 7 t ka 6 qa CG S september tor riber ata 6 sma t tA G aki 60 chort short ribs J july uly 6 IS 15 a 6 S pt ember G 5 aa aki 52 i CASH Qt rOTATIONS flour firt birtner ner no 2 spring wheat ka no a spring wheat nominal no 2 2 red r I 1 ami no 2 corn toi no 2 oats oal IS 43 no 2 21 ajo white M ito no 3 white nominal no 3 2 rye no 2 barley barle yIno nominal initial no 8 21 nor nominal inal no 0 4 nomina no I 1 flaxseed timothy seed bend me mew prime pork per barrel timotha 2 lard per IM pounds 6 T 0 hort ribs sides ld 1000 sl dry salted malted shoulders boneh box eH K ano sla short clear sides ahl ky distillers boxed dished veda per gallon sa lloil U ANO AND SHIPMENTS TS articles shipments flour barrels barri bi loob wheat wheal bushels saed JOMO corn no r receipts on tile produce 1 Ex chang today to day the buter markot market was steady and unchanged ecea cup steady and unchanged coffee and now york july 6 CO mell 13 Options opened op onel dull 6 to 10 15 faints ponta lower cantini noil dull with weak unoo lLone under local eure close toach I 1 t aay toaloa A 19 bafas including breure pr lisala it ACY august september 14 ich ac october r 13 ac opt corree ro otealy Bt Lly no 7 isaic mila quiet oar 1 axy bags rio ilia nas koi 7 and 8 cost antl and lac iwo mexican p t t santon J aral lwood overage fanton esin toa rac lipaj SW two stock bars barg cleady maly lOJO bai prices unc h ang id to 3 14 b gher avre op ned steady un c haded to bif f higher c asod quiet unc liang to lo 4 KloO ull quotation ac receipts TOW M cleared tor for the united states IM fx ls for or EUW europe V amm m block 1 I L ibao house ve em rd 11 a baas now new york stock min bt bass united states stales took stock bags allott for tho the united 21 ita 1111 tin ibm 1 l tor a r th A united Si aten against WW bags 1 last t Y year world visible supply d bab compard with lawt lant astern 11 month arith rn 2184 baga lint last DW inal year baws nam mit tiles lc tsa begs Ef ahia 94 6 lest buo x hh and tons M 94 test 2 I 1 laj andel idel terms refined buol liverpool I grain jn jav ay iy C boulat io do rakad poor offer moderately tely no NA 2 Clorn lil ai 1 iada rl red r l western 4 hantsa ad 10 red western winter 43 49 wm VA R firm demand mode jabsi rafe new m dixi spot 3 34 a id maple brewing barley 2 5 3 ed sang patent rig 63 91 tho rho receipts of corn for the past throe three days day were mao c oi lutcs itA birdp extra india mons 91 al PORK prime ane india s MN cd BACON I anc and short clear 23 long alfar 45 a LARD prime western esa |