Show B FOR BLUD B L UD an oat blade phenomenon that thai has set sel superstitious ious tongues na wagging some individuals have made the discovery that many of tho the oat blades sri jn this valley are marked by the letter IS B and several stalks were exhibited to a tribune reporter yesterday in proof ot of the assertion something like sit ait indistinct double 0 or a 0 letter D could be seen on an many of 0 tho the bl blades ades but it required a stretch of 0 the imael nation to find any marks on the others it Is ia clammed by the superstitious that B stands standa for blud b l u d and that the same phenomenon occurred before the warn war ot of liua and and at no other time protessor Prote montgomery 0 of the deseret university an acknowledged aged authority on centille so len tille subjects stated last evening that this alleged phenomenon was probably iro bably a fungus growth the ti u 1 lie stated often took forms which t to the common mind appeared moat singular and e hut but if 1 this phenomenon was caused by fungi the fact could bs be ascertained by a microscopic examination |