Show THE PULLMAN SIDE mr debs dabs in Ms his address to the people insists that thal all lie he wants that all hla his organization wants Is arbitration in the hallway age wo we find under date of june satti th the tha statement of air pullman himself in regard to ithe ahe strike la in which he ha reviews what w hat has haa been going coin on in the pullman pull shops during the past year Ms his statement will ivill be found in another part of ft this paper A few ew important facts tn in the tha statement are thal hat at the commencement of the depression last year there were men employed at pullman and paid out Trici monthly athly inwagen in wages when ithen camo came a treat withdrawal of 0 orden for cars can a great ereal many orders ordera already given were countermanded so fio ithac by november lat ast there were only 2000 men in all the departments or about ne ot of the ithe normal number that thai the iho necess necessity ty of 0 flading work wor tor for the men med seven or eight hundred of 0 whom had purchased homes nod to 10 whom employment eto was art an ct lal necessity Dt cly mr pullman tiya that after consultation waln the manager nia naser tie instructed latr acted hlin to inform the men man that the company would rould do everything ta in the world to meet the competition ebli h was via about to be fareed upon athera through the trouble in all the other car chops lo in the country lie bivs i further urther urt ber thai different rent classes of cars had tallen fallen or off tn in value 21 per cent fiat with tt how haw seale cale ot of prices and reduced cost ot of material he was wa enabled to 10 increase the force froan 2200 to im mm e n li he s aye yb he h built acty alve uve tong ione I one island ca cara r g at im an actual actuel loss of per lier car that refrigerator cira cars now kinder wall result in a 0 loss of i 13 per par car that twenty five live cars lust just built tor for the lake street neleva ted show it loss ol of W per or car they took the contracts cont racla tor for the sole sale purpose ot of giving the men employment he onyx ay there tire are les leas than man allty a asly days ot of contract work in might bight in the shops chops to further help the people ot of pullman ke fc concentrated sat all the work there mind I 1 dosed closed the U chopot mcf it detroit Exit rolt ud and bcd off a number of ment men wt other repair shops then to help the people ha bics carried on an it a large system of 9 internal improvements in the tha town ot of since auest last on worle which doum rallY have bim been bi m spread over two stars lie H may thero mere are ara hundreds of toa antl in pullman renting for from M 4 to 9 per month anil arid the berariu ber arit 5 ora ara relieved of 0 the e of 0 exterior cleaning removal of aste iste the th amount charar cd tor for gaa ams per month Is 12 ater ater nater n does docs not cost coat to exceed 4 cents centi per 1000 2000 gallons the pay roll at t pullman 0 up 0 to o the time lime 0 of the ehrike was per day only 15 per cent of the men mei in pullman aro are em in the building of 0 cra cars the cars cara manufactured for or mat give employment to about TO 70 per cent of tho the men the company now lias has loo aleoa anig cars stored reany ready for or use theme wore were built in arial Ici pation of 0 uio the great travel ot of tho the worlds M fair r that means over live five miles of cars can finally he says ay the demand of the men tor for ar lg Is to agree to submit to ito arbitration bit ration the question whether or not the company shall open its luring shops et at Pulli and operate them under a scale of wages which would woul deause cause a dally loss losa to lo it of 0 one fourth the wages paid paia |