Show RHYMES OF OF THE TIMES it if I 1 had wings and you wore were bound fast in some hom doge close where sweetest blossoms are elways found and ana springtime ever lows flows id humble bumble humble bumble merrily in or tender it I 1 were but a happy hap VI bo Z and you a clover bloom rd id whirl about and aloo r soloa owl and holder bolder holder grow your tour leaves should fop mv winnowing your tour leavia should shrin shrink and glow and then oh ob then tho the tender boom the tb nectar ildon ah me but you ou fire are not a clover bloom an and I 1 am not a bee thompson PL grim death lancha long and loudly much rel lohing th the e sart when the wate ame 1 oil comes in es along to tile bley bicycles cles I 1 star of the pawnshop I 1 Is 9 your ancl a 0 the mout most pon orao of area creatures tures only ni 1 as a att I 1 it lilies likes hla his business 0 it lucks redeeming features ret liet rolt press 4 6 THE MAIDEN the maiden flits so fo prim find and shy the butt of and and there is in kissing on tho the sly oly and alabon aleci on ahta lh tha ha bohemian THE IS aal BOY GOT tile small tiny boy 1701 rom the cherries came with tulea tales quite parabolic the robin hird got ail tho the blame the mail tiny loy oil all the colle colic cleveland plain dealer of woes boes ahli life displays a sum bum when reath tho the sun bun you stand and wish an open cig car would como A closed ono one i is at annd and and when tile tho mercury la a low and eolan nrc are badly rite rife yon cabit itch anything but open apost cars to mav mavour avo your Pur lire star id naton |