Show LOCAL ST one eastern mail WAS roc receive elvel ceyte day the ore and bullion yesterday aggregated WG 1675 the statue of wu was hoisted in position on top of the th joint building tv tom or er mhd th tik directors declared A dividend of oc 64 50 cents per share on shares judge ZT aane and ara V W F j ames FP oak a at it the meeting of 0 the republican working mens club the utah BOOK fe stationery company assigned the are anu the tae assets asset a 16 DM 0 O the tha acting governor united states staten marshal and chief eutico 0 af etab sent Q a te telegram to attorney at lorn cy agn oral oney asking that hat t h troops 0 pa be called out to subdue do the a t the freight blo b ekada Is 19 likely to be severely yore IY felt fell by the rho farmers far mera who ore are just to harvest their crops chopa in IB a great erat scarcity of 0 bIn divil twine and no machinery marti loery can bo be out except by wagon A WI opedal 4 train was waa brought through 0 over he R ro iv gran grallo granlo a western from grand junction the mosier mechanic mec hanlo and davi nion alon running tho the engine tho the ex ar arrivoli on tails train |