Show BEFORE JUSTICE SMITH vinson the labor trust richtor Fic liters vinod fined 20 minor offenders OfTon doro charles charier cromelin Cromel ln charged with a deadly assault upon nell love appeared tor for examine examination before pollen justice smith h yesterday afternoon atter naon but in tho the absence ot of the th complaining witness was allowed to go 0 o at on hla his own until wednesday next dr isiacc who 49 3 attending the th bedside of love had bad sent word to coun conn sol tor for the tha prosecution that its patient patent I 1 as yet unable to appear and on that showing the continuance was ordered tho the accused himself was not lot in prime condition for a beauty contest hit his fao face yet badly dilo d Ms big ribs ore and hla his joints still stiff ile ho retraced his way to tho where he will remain until summoned for or examination VINSON rin nned ED charles vinson hoso ullyse escapades on the fourth of 0 july landed him in the city jail was waa yesterday lined 16 on the cli charro arice ot of disturbance and 53 5 tor for realest ing on an officer his attorney attorn oy pavo gave no ile tico of 0 appeal while vinson brut to jail to awalt tb succor of C his friends james 11 michelson MIch elgon appeared before police justice smiths court yesterday and lodged complaint against mrs airs charles 11 hinman whom he hb charges cha reps confronted him V tt ith a 3 deadly weapon the contents ot of which she threatened to pour nour into his anatomy michelson chelson Ml cw ma that tho the Hin inanD have been renting a house from ilion him that they defaulted in tho the payment of their rent and that when ejectment was wai threatened he was wag mot with a revolver volver ro MINOR OFFENSES john was yesterday convicted of beating hla his wife and floed 20 in ift default of amount ho he was waa sent to jail mabel williams will tell the court count at 2 this afternoon why she gho held out 10 on charles abel who had given it to tier her erom which to deduct the price of a bottle bart tle of beer brockey lightfoot for filing 41 rock through a window of 0 tho the bl block oc k was 11 nned ned 35 A poten Po terson was flood fined ia 3 tor for tid DU a bicycle without a lamp A YOUNG |