Show DEBS COUNSELS PEACE Us he adai strikers not to molest tho the railways hallway in any manner chicago july 6 president debs bobs has haj issued the following proclamation to all striking employees es irl in view of the report of disturbances in various localities I 1 deem it my duty to caution you against being a party to tiny any violation of the law municipal state or national during tho the existing difficulties we have repeatedly declared that thai we respect law and order and our conduct must conform to our prote salon A man mho be commits violence in any form whether n a member of our order or not should bo be promptly arrested and punished and wo we should be oral to ap the miscreant or bring him to 10 justice we must triumph as aa law abad ing citizens or not at all those who engage in force and violence are arc our real enemies we hove have it upon reliable authority that toughs and thugs have been e em in aloyed to 10 create trouble so as to prejudice the public against our cause these scoundrels should in every casa bo be made to pay the penalty odthe of the law I 1 appeal to N ou to tobe be men orderly and law abiding and we have bothin nothing g to fear let it be borne in mind that if the ra railroad colli companies pailles can secure men to handle hande their trains they have that right our men have the right light to quit but there their right ends other met men have the right to take their pla whatever the opinion of the propriety t y of so doing may be someway Come Com eWay iway from railroad yards or right 90 9 ot 0 C way or op other pla places C as where large crowds congregate A safe bafo plan la Is to remain away entirely float places where there la Is any likelihood of being an outbreak the railroad managers bave sought to make it appear that their trains do not move because of the interference of f the strikers the statement Is an un un qualified fled fied falsehood and no ono one knowah this better than the managers themselves they malce make this falsehood servo their purpose of calling out the troops respect the law conduct you relve as becomes men and our causo cause shall ahall b bo crowned with success EUGENE V DEES DEBS |