Show OFF OFFICIAL MINING DIRECTORY DIRECTO IRY AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO location of mine and concentrating plant soldier summit and colton utah chemical plant chicago ill capitalization shares par value 1 officers and directors ward E pearson pres IA V shearer vice pres gen mgr and treas V A van valkenburg sec paul harry hartwell hart well and C S willston general office salt lake kearns THE CAMERON COAL COMPANY location of mines castle gate utah officers and directors M S browning pres E S vice pres fres and gen magr marriner browning sec and treas henry H and J M browning general sales agent S P F ballif baliff mine superintendent superintend ent R Y gibson main office newhouse building salt lake utah THE CHIEF CONS MINING COMPANY mines in district juab co utah capitalization shares par value 1 outstanding shares officers and directors walter fitch pres and benl langr eureka utah cecil fitch vice pres and supt bupt eureka utah J H rice 2nd and vice pres wm P seager treas houghton mich thomas carmichael sec newhouse salt lake city E pitch fitch and W S mccornick main office newhouse salt lake city management headquarters eureka utah EAGLE BLUE BELL MINING CO location of mines eureka utah capitalization shares par value 1 outstanding shares officers and directors james P graves pres henry N sweet vice pres thomas S woods treas myron K billings sec imer pett abst see sec and general manager john H gibson fred H williams and duncan macvichie main office 3 4 dooly block salt lake city mine office eureka utah THE EUREKA MINES COMPANY location of mines eureka tintic gintic district utah capitalization shares par value 10 cents stock outstanding shares official staff W R wallace pres jackson C mcchrystal vice pres and gen mgr james E berkley see sec and treas john H mcchrystal mine supt bupt mine office eureka utah main office 25 kearns building salt lake city utah THE GODIVA MINING CO location of mines mining district utah capitalization shares par value 1 edward W packard pres jackson C mcchrystal vice pres and gen manager E 0 howard treas J E berkley sec john H mcchrystal mine superintendent office kearns salt lake city utah THE GRAND CENTRAL MINING CO location of mine mammoth tintic gintic district utah capitalization shares par value 1 officers J T farrer pres H L holbrook vice pres C E loose gen mgr preston G peterson sec treas W D loose gen supt bupt main office provo utah branch office dooly block salt lake utah THE JUDGE MINING SMELTING CO incorporated under laws of new jersey location of mines park city utah capitalization shares par value 1 officers and directors H otto hanke pres M C fox vice pres G W lambourne sec treas and mgr W M bradley and A C wall main office 1022 kearns salt lake city utah THE MASCOT 31 al CO ltd Lor location cation of mine peter idaho via halley hailey capitalization shares par value 1 chas peter pres and gen mgr J M stevens sec and treas H E johnson supt bupt main office pocatello idaho mine office halley hailey idaho THE MAY DAY al AT COMPANY location of mine tintic gintic district utah capitalization shares par far value 25 cents officers and directors john dern pres M P braffet vice pres A reeves sec W S mccornick treas and J C dick office dooly block salt lake city utah THE MICHIGAN UTAH CONS MINES CO location of mines big and little cottonwood districts salt lake county utah capitalization shares par value 25 cents officers and directors norman W haire pres and mgr dir H R macmillan vice pres N A robertson sec L H farnsworth treas C A gillette frank B cook and W J halloran mine supt bupt R R van main office 12 13 pelt felt salt lake city mine office alta utah THE NEVADA DOUGLAS CON COPPER CO location of mines yerington district lyon cu co nevada capitalization 1000 shares par value 5 officers A J orem pros james G berryhill and ila L H curtis vice pres frank orem sec and treas and walter C orem managing director office south west temple salt lake city utah THE NEW MINING CO formerly the thompson quincy mining co location of mine park city utah capitalization shares officers W S mccornick pres W R hutchinson vice pres arthur L thomas sec herman bamberger treas assist sec A L thomas jr mine supt bupt P P huntington main office scott salt lake utah THE ONTARIO SILVER MINING CO location of mine park city utah capitalization shares par value officers and directors J E bamberger pres ernest bamberger vice pres treas and gen mgr herbert cohen sec J L hilton abst sec D M hyman john S critchlow wm C osborne H G mcmillan and walter H linforth transfer office 32 trust new york registrars union trust co 30 broadway new york general offices main street salt lake utah THE pittsburgh IDAHO CO LTD location of mine gilmore leahl co idaho capitalization shares par value 1 officers and directors A S ross pres and gen mgr irving vice pres W A mccutcheon sec a and d treas H S knight edgar C ross and 0 W kennedy mine office gilmore idaho main office machesney pittsburgh pa branch office kearns salt lake city utah THE PRINCE CONS 31 S COMPANY location of mine and works pioche nevada capitalization shares par value 2 officers and directors A H godbe pres E L godbe vice pres and gen mgr M C godbe sec and mgr john pingree treas geo wasson and D L thelmer adain office 1118 newhouse salt lake utah ROCHESTER MINES COMPANY location of mines rochester nevada capitalization shares par value 1 officers and directors L A friedman pres and gen mgr H J murrish secy W C pitt J P obrien sam ph platt at richard hartley main office lovelock nov nev THE RIDGE A VALLEY MINING CO location of mines eureka district utah capitalization shares par value 50 cents stock issued shares shared official staff wm R wallace pres jackson C mcchrystal vice pres and gen mgr herbert S auerbach treas james E berkley sec john H mcchrystal mine supt bupt mine office eureka utah main office kearns salt lake city utah THE SILVER KING CON BING CO OF UTAH location of mines park city utah C capitalization ap shares par value 1 solon spiro pres and gen mgr R P morris vice pres G W browning sec D L treas office newhouse block salt lake utah SIMON SILVER LEAD MINES COMPANY location of mines belling mining district mineral county nevada capitalization 1100 shares par far value officers fibers P A C C Cs boak vice pres B W sec and treas office mina nevada THE UNCLE SAM CONS MINING CO location of mines gintic tintic district utah capitalization shares par far value 1 officers and directors john dern bern pros pres M P braffett vice pres P A kimball treas fred C dern sec and J C dick mgr office DO dooly 0 ay block salt lake city utah THE UTAH COPPER CO location of mines bingham utah lo 10 cation of mills arthur and magna utah authorized capitalization shares par value 10 per share officers C M macneill pres D C jackling Jacklin gt vice pres and managing director R C Gern gemmell mell gen manager K R babbitt see sec john M hayes treas and C F jennings Jenning st purchasing abt main office deseret national bank salt lake utah THE YELLOW PINE MINING CO location of mine good springs district dark clark co nev capitalization oo shares par value 1 officers and directors J F kent pres R B chapman vice pres F A hale jr see sec C W kent treas S E fount general manager morris P kirk mine superintendent J G kemple main office good springs nevada los angeles office security n M x y jy S SMITH arfi sa ADAMS I 1 manufacturers OF TENTS and AWNINGS filter cloth ore bags camping outfits Oui fits anything 5 in canvas get our prices send for catalog edison street salt lake CRY city utah j F B I 1 FREE AND BASE ORES I 1 s I 1 gravels tailings dredging ground platinum black sands and corn com j mercial minerals located on reason able terms j I 1 intending investors wishing vr ishill g the j fie field id man idan j I 1 services of an experienced should correspond with H D EMERSON nevada city california Califor nr j I 1 MILLS DESIGNED AND REMODELED j i research and work for improved s i recovery undertaken plants plan g dust and C installed g i correspondence solica solicited ted s i z 5 address bank neav blob j 31 i H N L 1601 walker I 1 salt lake utah j j I 1 SEND FOR OUR I 1 advertising rate rat card i salt lake ni mining ging review BE AMONG TIRE THE LIVE ONE 2 par card in this directory by the year let inquirers inquirer know about your |