Show IDAHO the big creek mining company of wallace is busy with mill construction and expects to have a reduction plant of seventy five tons daily capacity in commission before the close of the season G scott anderson is president and manager the copper king mining and smelting smelling Sm elting company operating at mullan has cut a vein of fifty feet wide on its tunnel level says sam edelstein president the vein contains no ore in commercial quantities but galena and bunches of lead are found at intervals prof F A thomson dean of the school of mines in the university of idaho at moscow has concluded a tour of all the mining districts in southern idaho interest in mining is being reawakened in southern idaho says professor thomson the delamar and trade dollar mines have been reopened and there is much activity in districts that have been quiet for a long time adjustment is proceeding at the concentrating mill of the nabob consolidated mining company on pine creek near kellogg it has been attended by pleasing results ore is being dressed in the period of adjustment and concentrates are being produced although in less volume than anticipated when the adjustment has been completed the tonnage available for milling is being increased daily the giant ledge mining company operating on cedar creek five miles from murray has not been out of ore in feet of drifting on the foot level says D S prescott a director the ledge is twenty to twenty two feet wide as proven by cross cuts within it A large part of the body contains 6 to 7 in gold 6 to 8 in silver to the ton and a small percentage of lead while the entire body averages 6 to 7 to the ton A carload of ore the first taken from f roin the shoot struck recently on the foot level has been shipped by the richmond mining milling reduction company operating near wallace it contained forty tons and included chunks of sulphide ore having an estimated content of 30 to 35 per cent shipments will be made with frequency when the has been opened sufficiently tor for production says the report this period is believed to be near the sterling silver mountain M M company of wallace operating in the big creek section is preparing for extensive development work and will run a deep crosscut to open up two well defined veins electricity will be used to operate a compressor which the company plans to install for the development of its property new buildings for machinery and men will be erected one ledge on this property has a width of twenty feet on the surface it is in quartzite formation A lower crosscut tunnel is expected to reach this vein at a distance of feet and a depth of A second vein lies beyond the war eagle group on the south slope of buffalo hump is being developed under the direction of george bancroft mining engineer says ralston mccaig on arriving from orogrande Oro grande all of the men obtainable have been employed and two shifts are at work joseph Peli call of spokane is running a foot tunnel to attain a depth of feet on his property in the same belt the tunnel is directed at the vein the una mining company operating at orogrande Oro grande has reached the vein at the end of a 1050 foot tunnel the black pine employs a large force in sinking a shaft on its property near elk city mining opera eions are in progress on the buckhorn of the ten mile district the new york is 19 running on the vein to get under the ore shoot at an additional depth of feet french pete has given a bond tor for ninety days on the coeur dalene to a boston syndicate surprise at the progress made and the development work performed on the armstead mines talache is expressed by robert N bell mine inspector for idaho after a recent inspection of pend oreille lake mines he says the persistence of rich milling ore values to the substantial depth of 1400 feet on the dip of the vein and of 1200 feet vertically has been demonstrated this vein varies in width up to seven feet it has been crosscut at intervals from a three compartment raise between the and 1200 foot levels the falls creek mining company having a property on the opposite side of the lake is extending its lower tunnel which has a depth of 1500 feet and attains a depth of feet the tunnel recently passed through an ore course two feet wide having an appearance suggesting a lead content of 20 per cent about thirty tons of high grade concentrates have been accumulated at the lawrence mine at Clarks fork and this quantity will soon be increased to a carload the lawrence 4 produces the cleanest lead ore in the state its carload shipments containing more than 75 per cent lead and 17 ounces of silver to the ton |