Show I 1 lis liall I 1 iloilo if kill iloilo 0 0 to is about the ratio you pay for shovel lers and shovels if your shovels aren t the best you aren t getting full returns on the wyoming red edge shovels cost a little more than ordinary shovels but experience has shown that they last twice as long they cost less in the long run and your laborers are always working with good tools not just the edge but the entire blade is heat treated brindled Brinell ed made of chrome nickel steel fitted with a second growth northern white ash handle A red edge is the shovel for you send in an order and test them out we can ship immediately from salt lake stock THE in ALI RY ST 2 no SOUTH so DOOLY BLOCK SALT LAKE CITY III III III III III III III I 1 III 1 I III fill if all all all ili I 1 1 I ili I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 III III if clail I 1 a fill 1111 I 1 flail all fill ain 0 n we wish to announce the introduction of the sherwood patented rubber lined caned sand and slimes pump all tests of this pump have shown most remarkable durability of wearing parts parish we tive have an attractive proposition to make to a few users who will communicate with us at once regarding the installation of the first regular stock order of pumps now in process of manufacture allis chalmers manufacturing com company P any milwaukee wisconsin 9 10 kearns building 9 salt lake OY city OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES |