Show THE UTAH COAL COKE the sun of price utah says that the utah coal coke company has opened up six veins of fine coking coal on its properties of three thousand acres in water canyon south of sunnyside Sunny side some five miles at one place there is sixteen feet of coal at the end of a tunnel a hundred feet in while the others show equally well for the work so far done there are twelve men there working under the direction of F P jacobs engineer in iii charge most of these are surveyors the miners being let off since no shipments are figured on until well into the coming year surveys for the railroad from a point just below sunnyside Sunny side are corn com plated and the grade is an easy one this wil be built early the coming year D me mc vichie of salt lake city one of the promoters of the new company was there last friday and saturday and is very much elated over the progress being made and the showing numerous salt lakers with money are interested in this second coking coal camp for carbon county |