Show three plants triple their american filter capacity by repeat orders T cake discharge on large american unit with approximately 1000 sq ft of filter area read below how the american filter is selling itself about a year ago the following three companies purchased american filters afterthought copper company ingot calif bunker hill sullivan mining concentrating co kellogg idaho consolidated soli dated mining smelting smelling Sm elting co trail B G C the original orders of these three companies totaled something over square feet filter area in american units today these plants have contracted acied for or are actually operating well over ove r 1700 square feet of filter area in american filters united filters alters corporation the proof of the pudding repeat orders kelly and sweetland pressure filters american continuous filters Sweet lands patent metallic filter cloth 65 BROADWAY NEW YORK felt SALT LAKE CITY UTAH hollingsworth LOS ANGELES CALIF peoples gas CHICAGO I 1 LL ILL tanks anks that hat give service se rolce 0 our ur portland factory is located in the heart of the great douglas fir forests wh where e re i the he best of tank woods is always at hand we also make tanks from california reddo redwood 0 d our tanks are manufactured according to our own special process and are guara guaranteed to give the most satisfactory wear national round tank T for water oils or we furnish standard cyanide plants m manufactured 0 from either fir acids or redwood lumber careful calef ul attention given to special installations we make all kinds and all sizes of wood tanks tanks up to gallon capacity are kept in stock ready to be shipped by either water or rail on a few hours notice national ia tanks have been used in all kinds of mines ies and arid have atoo stood up well under the hardest kind of service U S government has used carload after carload you will be pleased with them get our prices and specifications s national badona I 1 tank pipe co of i A large mine nine in mexico showing install installation atiO n 0 U oak st a nd ora reddo redwood od tanks ill ill til if ill ill ill ill lip U |