Show CHARGES AGAINST STERRETT ALSO Executive Committee of G U A AR AR AR R Will Publish Statement of His Work REFUTE HIS STATEMENTS COLONELS ACCUSATIONS ARE BRANDED AS FALSEHOODS The executive committee of the recent G 0 A R encampment at its meeting in inthe Inthe I Ithe the Commercial club at noon yesterday II unanimously decided to refute the charges made against the committee by b i Colonel F M H Sterrett executive director director I tor of the encampment and to make a public statement giving the complete I record of Colonel connection with the encampment A committee was appointed to investigate Investigate investigate I the charges made by Colonel Sterrett and to formulate a detailed I statement relative to the work of Col Cot Colonel J Jonel onel Sterrett in hi connection With ith that of I Ithe the executive committee of 0 the recent encampment Judge E F Colborn was appointed chairman of the committee and Fisher Harris Harrie secretary The other members of the committee are Frank B BStephens BStephens BStephens Stephens George A Black and Colonel M M AI Kaighn Absolute Falsehoods The executive committee was unanimous unanimous unanimous in its denunciation of Colonel Sterrett The members declared d lared that all aU of his charges were absolute false falsehoods falsehoods hoods boods and that they must be refuted Colonel own record it was declared was not the best bent and that when it was wan made public the charges made by the executive director against the committee would fade to insignificance insignificance cance in comparison with the ones that would be made by the committee against him The feeling against Colonel Sterrett is ia one of unanimity and is shared by byall byall byall all of the Grand Army men of Utah The colonel accused ed the committee of extravagance when as a matter of fact tact the only extravagance apparent was that in connection with the person personal al at expenses of Colonel Sterrett and his relatives which came out Of the en encampment encampment encampment fun Unauthorized Unauthorised expenditures incurred by Colonel Sterrett are being discovered daily daft through the appearance of delayed bills H A Joplin of the Utah Auditing Accounting company who kept and audited the accounts of the encamp encampment encampment ment meat met with the committee yesterday and submitted a partial report of the auditing He was unable to make a complete report at present because there are still some bills which have not come in I |