Show rAfTS TAFTS VISIT More Elaborate Plans Are Made for the Reception of the Chief Executive of the United States in Utah ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF COMMITTEE IS HELD Committees Named to Look After Aft r the Details and a Real Utah Welcome Is Assured for President Taft BUSY SATURDAY PLANNED ORE elaborate plans for the reception re reception reception MORE M and entertainment of President William H Taft and party in Salt Lake and Utah were made yesterday at a meeting of the original original nal committee in the office of Gov Governor Governor Governor William Spry The meeting was well attended and was enthusiastic throughout The chief work of the committee was in the selection of more commit committees committees t tees es to enlarge upon the plans out outlined outlined outlined lined and to take care of the sepa separate separate separate rate items of entertainment during days d ys of the presidents stay in Utah He will arrive in Utah on Sept 24 and will not leave until Sunday Sept 26 The subcommittees subcommittee appointed yester day to which other names will win be added are as me follows Committee on souvenir William Spry chairman Postmaster A L Thomas Mayor J S Bra Vol Col dwin F Holmes W W Armstrong Committee on transportation D C Jackling chairman James Jamea E Jennings D E Burley Burtey I A Benton Bento J E Lang Lane ford James H Moyle O 0 J 1 Salisbury Childrens Cl committee D H Christen ChrIstensen Ben sen with authority to select committee to assist t Committee on music J J r McClellan llan chairman Anton Evan Steph Stephens ens Willard Weihe Fred C Graham A H Peabody D L Davis Committee on decoration of tabernacle Benjamin Goddard chairman with authority to appoint such aides alete as a he may desire I City decoration Walter Burton G 0 B 11 chairman Major B R W oa 4 ff A J I Dav l lC V C on OS finance W S X M nick chairman with membership made mad i up of president of Salt Lake banks Reception Re committee Committee of fifty or more to be named by Senators Senatore Smoot and Sutherland Congressman Howell Governor Spry and ami Mayor Bransford Committee on program To be appointed by Senators Smoot and Sutherland Con Congressman grossman gressman Howell Spry and Mayor Branford Bransford Changes Are Made Several changes chan ea were made front from the original outline at yesterdays meeting A delegation of prominent men selected lei from froni various parts of the state will be present pret t at StAteline to welcome the presidential party as a 5 soon BOOn as u it crosses the border into Utah The special train will in Provo at 1 15 on OIL the afternoon of September 54 34 C and the party will wUl go 10 at once to the tabernacle where an address win will be made by b President Taft and a public reception will be held Following the welcome at st Provo Prove the party will leave at once for lor salt bIt Lake iane arriving here at 4 They will be met by a large delegation of business men and others ethers at the depot besides beside two com corn companies ponies panle from the Fifteenth infantry and at least leat one company from the Utah Na National National a Guard The party will proceed with this military escort to Fort Douglas to review the Fifteenth infantry and will wUl then tb be tendered a banquet and reception at the post postOn postOn On Saturday Sept 25 2 practically every hour of the day has been taken up From s W to Saturday morning ter t will willbe willbe willbe be breakfast at the Commercial Commer al club dub followed by an automobile ride about the city for half an hour From W IS to 1030 there will be a special organ recital at atthe atthe atthe the tabernacle in honor of the guests when Prof J J McClellan will be heard at the organ There will ill then be a short breathing spell as the presidential party and mem members members bers hers of committee committe with invited guests guest gue t will leave for Saltair on a special train at 11 to remain at the resort until 1 Just what will be done at Salt Saltair Saltair air has not been definitely decided upon It te Is probable that several members of Presidents party will want to take a swim In Great Salt Lake having heard of the wonders of the water and they will be given time for fora a plunge The president himself elf It Is thought may want to try the salty waters But It Is certain that a banquet or 01 luncheon will willbe willbe m be served at the lake before the party returns to Salt Lake reaching the city at Liberty Park Reception Saturday afternoon from until 6 there will be a reception to the Continued on Page 2 I TAFTS VISIT NOTEWORTHY II I I Continued from Page 1 lilli at Liberty Libert park and golf golt at the HID try club It Is II probable that dur durig durIg ig g the LLie t he early afternoon the president will wUl 1 lc at tt Liberty park This Tills suggestion wan waR 1 Hip by A L Thomas and quickly ac by the committee as a it is be bed kved d that far more people will win have an opportunity of seeing and meeting the I resident rt at the park than at any other lace ilace that could be suggested Later In tV day President Taft will go to the Country club for tor an hour or more of lr Then Th n the president will be whirled to the hotel where be he will be b until 7 re paring for tor a dinner linner at the Alta club dub rom 7 to 9 Between 9 S and 10 clock dock the Ohio society and the Yale will give a reception at the Uni club in honor of the president and fit herd in the party This will be he one oner of r f the big features at ot the be stay of ot the in Salt Lake as he has always hown an Interest in old college men who rp graduated from Yale Tale and several nr or r the Yale graduates in Salt Lake are arev areV v 11 m In personal friends of the president The program pro m starts again on Sunday Sunda IM 1 t 9 1 There will be a special pro cram of music and speeches at the taber narie starting at 9 and lasting for an hour and a half balf Coming from this gathering President Taft will be betaken taken tn ken east on South uth Temple street to B t where whore about 2000 or more school chool will be grouped as the living fl I The steep leep Incline on B street with asphalt surface will give the flag fla flathe the same name ef as if it were on a raised platform The president will leave Salt Lake Ike for tor Ogden at 11 it A special program has as been arranged for the entertainment r the president in Ogden and another when his hII hI special train arrives In Logan on its way north toward the Seattle ex ox exposition position 1 I Mass Meeting are now being made majie m for 1 mass maN meeting of members of the Young Mens Mn Republican clubs linked with tho the National League of Republican clubs cIuba in InI lonor I of James Hays Hammond member IT the presidential p party part who is 18 preal lent of the league a and its it organiser The i tails I l this plan have not yet Pt been lIten en ui keil ut if Ie It is IN 1 decided to fold Bold Tl mass mas meeting it will wiD be one of the nIt niost not ihlo events 1118 of the visit of the dj party to o Salt Lake Those T hose who attended the meeting yester yesterday lay day were Gov William Spry Senators Red Smoot and George Geor e Sutherland A L Thomas E H l CaTheter er R B W Young you Dern Deni George Gorge N Jo Lawrence Henry T Wallace Dr J J 1 Snider W W V Arm vi OI irons rong Captain Harker of the Ule Fifteenth and Mayor Ma ur John S Bransford |