Show D PLANS BEING MADE FOR ANOTHER FAST TRAIN Chicago Sept 2 Tf the present pres nt plans pians of the Santa Fe Pe railroad are arl carried out outa a new fast train making the he run from Kansas Kans City to Los Ls Angeles Angles in sixty sity hours will wl be b put on in a short time The Te intention became known in western circles cicle toda to and cansel comment A conference of competing lines Jnes was immediately called cale and E O 0 McCormik wick inick mik assistant traffic director of the Harriman Harman lines Jnes was delegated to find out what plans the Santa Fe had ha In mind The entire southern California mall mail mal is involved In the contemplated move and aJ this is 1 said uld to bring Shout about ut annual revenue to the roads The Te Santa Sta F Fe and andI Rock Island in connection with the I Southern Southe Pacific now no divide dide this thle business about abut equally eull |