Show A credit rating book Issued by bJ the Curl Credit Clearing House Hou e will be ie ready read for delivery in a few days Only members are entitled to the use Ulle of the look 41 D F Walker Building Meals at the Ship Restaurant Saltair Nothing finer Ask for any anything anything anything thing City prices 0 Tribune Reporter Printing Co 66 fiG We f Second South Phones I Take the children to Wandamere Fri Friday rf 1 day 1 ree reef reea f n a Saltair closes Monday Go today We Grew Up in Salt Lake LakeIn In live five years from a dinky shop on the quality of our work Century Printing Co P place plaN I Signs that hat t attract atta t n paints c f fF 1 Ufa F Everybody W BH 1 mr S of all classes ages and sexes you and your friends and your friends friends whenever youre hot tired nerve worn thirsty or just simply crave something delicious to drink DRINK Wholesome cooling refreshes brain body and nerves and extremely delicious The Satisfactory Beverage GET THE GENUINE EveryWhere Whenever you see an Arrow think of I OC l nJ WHY NOT GO CO P THE DAY 4 THE PLA PLAGE Ea THE EVENT AN AH INCIDENT THE RESULT RESUL TP t via via 1 v r Jj Jr OPENING U S GOVERNMENT 0 ER LAND LANDIn LAN I In hi the Famous Snake River Valley Idaho EIGHTY THOUSAND SAN ACRES R Choice agricultural land under the Carey Act will wUl be open to entry and settlement in the BIG LOST RIVER TRACT Drawing at Arco Idaho s Tuesday September 14 1909 You Must Register Between Sept and If It you do not take land after atter your number Is drawn It costs you nothing Title Acquired with Thirty Days Residence Water Ready for Delivery May 1910 rates on all railroads and special rates from all northwestern points For Illustrated booklet and all desired Information call on or address C B ur tt Colonization Manager Dept B OiSe Id a h 0 For full information concerning the above call on or write to CAPITAL REAL A L ESTATE INVESTMENT CO 17 W d So St Salt Lake City Utah Agents for Utah r tah I I I Order der your our coal coaS today need nee it soon Blue Wagons bring ring better coal Western VI estern Fuel Fue Co Critchlow Fischer Kittle I Cable Address Phones 73 Main Street I i I s I I j T TIts Its ts the way we clothe you in inthe inthe inthe the seasons best hest styles Mens or Dr garments at at a week a month Western Outfit u Co o South State Street Opposite Knutsford u LA FUNDICION PERU We collect money for everybody everywhere and we collect money from everybody everywhere We recently collected money from la Fundicion Peru for the Rocky Mountain Bell BeIl Telephone Co and i they wrote us a nice letter of con congratulation congratulation congratulation Turn in your claims fl fland and we will viII collect some money for you If you do not know where the people happen to be who owe you we will wiIl find them for you Its our business We enjoy it Red Streaks of Honesty Exist in Everybody Turn in your claims e r s now MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION i Scientific S Collectors of Honest Debts Rooms 77 71 78 82 SZ Si 98 99 91 96 Mi 96 97 Ii 95 99 Commercial National Bank Salt Lake City Utah Francis G Luke General Generd Manager Some People Dont Like Us Nr MEN My special treatment cures ures WEAKNESS In n k ii men in a very short time My cures of this dis disorder dl disorder order are ale permanent and lasting No tonics that stimulate temporarily oat Dot thoroughly scientific treatment for the removal of conditions responsible l lole ole ble for the functional derangement Weak Weakness Weakness ness is 18 merely a symptom of inflammation or congestion in the prostate gland and under my myown myown myown own original local treatment this gland Is ill promptly reduced to Its normal state and con functional activity is the lasting result h MY IY PEG FEB thi IN ANY ot n a Dollar feed 1 FOR POR A 1 ACURE 5 He TIe I 1 Until Cured CURE eURE IS I CONSULTATION FREE MY HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING I cheerfully give you Ou the very best opinion guided by years yean I of successful suc practice Men out of town in trouble write if J you cannot call callas as many cases yield readily to proper homo treatment and cure M My offices are open oten all day from 9 a m to R S p m and Sundays from 10 to 12 i SALT LAKE MENS MEDICAL INSTITUTE i I 1501 1591 l OA MAIN UtIN STREET SALT SAIT LUiE CITY IT UTAH AH ti 7 i PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult county clerk or ur the respective signers for tor further information IN THIS mi DISTRICT COURT URT PRO PROtin PR ba to t to JD and for r Sat Salt Lake 8 C coun un ty state of o t tin In ID the Mutter of the estate and guar dlan ij J of Philip A Walter Nellie and Mane Marla minors notice The T petition for approval and settlement t Of the annual account of the guardian lit f the persons and lAnd estates of Philip A Va Wa F ter Nellie Heine and Marie Karte minor minors has kas been set act for hearing on Frida Friday th day of September A D 1909 at atO ato O Clock p Po m at the county court house hous houseIn la In the court room of said court in S Salt aI Ut Lake City Salt Bait Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said aid court with Wit it the 0 seal 1 thereof affixed this Hd rid day da f r August A D 1901 Seas Seal MARGARET ZANE WITCHER clerk By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk EDWARD Attorney for F r rt t Notice to Creditors I W ATE rATE OF CHARLES HAAS r 11 1 Creditors Creditor will present um with vouchers to the tile undersigned a aW al W Boston Boton Bid Salt Wt Lake City Ciu n t u t c within four months after aar the first i pu Iu u i cation of this notice W l v I HUBBA Hl Administrator of the estate of Ci Ch tri ir i iHaas Haas deceased decd Date of tint lint publication Sept a A AD AD AD D 1908 A L X Attorney AU rDe fe Mr said aid estat Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF EMMA A LOWE DE DK DEceased ceased Creditors will present pre ent claims Wit wt v t it t vouchers to the undersigned at the oW offis t f Powers Power Marioneaux JB I to 7 lb H i t lId ald building on or before the da day or of January A D DIa 1110 ta DEWITT B LOWE LOWS Executor of estate of Emma Emms A Lowe de Ue deceased c ceased cased ased Date te of first tint publication Sept 3 A AD AD AD D 1909 POWERS rite MARIONEAUX Attorneys IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division in and aDd for Salt Lake county sta state tl of Utah Notice In the matter of oC the estate of ot Mary Mair deceased The petition of Margaret Marcaret M I Groo Geor Georgina Georgina gina M Wilkinson and Jane M Kings Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsbury bury praying for the admission to probate of a certain document purporting to be te bethe bethe the last will and testament of or Mary Mair Matr deceased and for the granting of letters testamentary to Margaret M II Groo Geor Georgina Georgina Georgins gina gins M Wilkinson and Jane M Kings Kingsbury Kingsbury bury has hu been set for hearing on Friday the day of oC September A D 1909 at 2 p m at the county court house housein housen in n the court room of oC said Mid court in Salt Lake Lae City Salt Sat Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the tha seat seal thereof affixed this thi day of Au August Aup Augut gut gust p A D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal leal Clerk Cleric By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Stephens Smith dk I R B Porter Attorney Attorneys ney ne for Petitioner Estate of Robert F Moser M er Deceased THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SENT SELL at private sale lot one ODe 1 eight 8 of Irving Park addi addition addItion addition tion to Salt Lake City thousand five hundred and 2275 shares of oC mining stock Hock miscella miscellaneous personal property such BUch as books book music mechanical drawing instrument etc being all the known property of th said estate of whatever character on rafter r t rafter tafter after September JW 1901 Written hi will be received at room No 1111 hew house building Salt Lake City Utah Th s terms of oC sale are cash ca h hC C C PARSONS JR Administrator tor August 30 JD 1901 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRObate PRObate PRObate bate division in and aud for tor Salt Sat Lake county state of Utah In the matter of the estate of Luigi Mancusco deceased Notice The petition of oC Giuseppe Mancusco praying for the issuance ro r M t himself of letters l ten of administration in jl inthe the estate of Luigi decease has been set for hearing on Oil Friday I 11 n t i day of oC September A D 1909 at r 2 p m at the county count court courthouse courthouse house in the court room of said remit co a n nin r rin in Salt Lake City Salt Lake count Wetness W i the clerk of oC said court WI salt n i t ithe the seal thereof affixed this thiB day dJ of August Augut A D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L 1 P Palmer deputy clerk Weber A I Olson attorneys altom for peti petitioner petitioner petitioner Notice to Creditors Cre ESTATE OF ROBERT D RHODES deceased decea ed Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned UDde d at the theoffice theoffice theoffice office of Weber A I Olson Room 1121 Boton Boton Bo Boton ton building Salt Lake City Utah on or before the ltd day of June A D 1910 EDITH M II RHODES Executrix of oC Estate of Robert D Rhodes RhodI Deceased d dWeber Weber I Olson Attorneys for Executrix Executrix Executrix trix IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRObate PRObate PRObate bate division in n and for Salt Lake county state of Utah Department No 1 In th the tha matter of the estate te of Truman Schenck deceased Notice The petition of Victoria Schenck praying for the admission to probate of a certain document purporting to be the last and testament of oC Truman Schenck de dl deceased deceased ceased and for the granting of letters fetters r testamentary te to Victoria Schenck has been heeD set for hearing on Friday the tho day of September A D 1909 at 2 p m at the county co court house In tha th t 1 court room of said said court in n Sat Salt Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this h day of ot August A D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Goodwin Van Vao Pelt Attorneys for Pe Petitioner Petitioner Petitioner Summons IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN TN AND for Salt Lake county state of o Utah Henry Phipps jr plaintiff vs YB Julia T Adams Young Quale Vilate Ash Worth Adams OBrien Joshua A Adams A Adams Ada Miriam C Adams Eakle He Heher Heber Heher her ber C Adams Asenath A nath Ann Adams Kis Ks Daniel B Adams Adam Hyrum B BAdams BAdams Adams Adama Beulah A Adams Crouch Amy H N Adams Thomas Ezra Esra C Adams Adani Phoebe C Adams Adam Scholes Banker Booker Adams Adamsson son of Barnabas L 1 Adams deceased and the unknown heirs of Barnabas L LAdame Adams Adame deceased Mrs Irs George Gt orge Dill widow and only heir of Brigham H Adams de deceased ct ceased ce Wilford Woodruff Wilford Wood Wool Woodruff Woodruff ruff Beattie Beattle Laurence Estelle Beattie Beulah Naomi Bynom only heirs of or Bet Be Belah i ilah lah Augusta Woodruff deceased PheN Pheb Amelia Woodruff Emma Smith tt Wood Wad Woodruff ool ruff Sarah Brown Woodruff David Pat Patten Patten Patten ten Woodruff Phebe Woodruff I Moses Moms Sylvia Melvina Woodruff Thomp Thompson son James Jackson Woodruff also Wil Wll Wilford 11 ford A Woodruff Henry Eugene Woodruff Wood Woodruff ruff Asahel R Woodruff Emma Imma E Estell tel i r Woodruff Ethel Woodruff Ellsworth Woodruff only heirs of Emma Mannella Woodruff deceased Asa Asahel wl el elHart Hart Woodruff Clara Martisha Woo Beebo Beebe also Wilford Ow Own Owen n Woodruff Helen M Woodruff and June Woodruff only heirs of Abraham Owen Woodruff deceased Winnifred Blanch Banch Woodruff Daynes Mary Alice Woodruff McEw McEwen i Newton Woodruff Marian Woodruff Emiline Woodruff Burrows En Ensign Woodruff John Woodruff Woo ruff Julia Wood Woo Woodruff t ruff Parks Parke John Jaques Jaque executor ar an 1 devisee ee of the th last will and testament f Wilford Woodruff deceased defendants summons summon The stats state tat of Utah to said ald defendant defendants 5 You are hereby summoned to appe r within twenty twant days after the service of n this summons upon you if served within th the thA county in which this action is i brought otherwise within thirty days after service ervice and defend the above en entitled entitled II titled action and in case of your our failure fa II ure so 80 to do Judgment will be rendered rend against you yO according to the demand of the complaint a copy of which Is la here herewith herewith herewith with served upon you This action Via ha has been beon brought to recover a t Judgment quieting quoting plaintiffs pl title to the tha theland theland land described IM in said sa iel complaint STEPHENS STEPHE S SMITH RoBT H Rt BT B PORTER POR PORTER PORTER TER Plaintiffs f Attorneys P O 0 office address addres to tit wI Judge building Salt Lake Lab City Utah Last Week I F e t Ething gl n 2 Dane Dant DantI I Q Jc I L uil trip wC 0 |