Show JOHNSON IN PESSIMISTIC MOOD SAYS THAT JEFFRIES WILL VILL NEVER FIGHT HIM BY W W wr NAUGHTON San Francisco Sept 2 When Jack Johnson read in the papers that Jim Jeffries had indorsed Sam Bergers ac action action action tion In the recent matchmaking con conference conference conference ference at Chicago he murmured That looks like business bu ines Then Johnson went out on the tM road and thought things over as he trudged along the Piedmont highways Wh When n nhe he returned to his lila quarters at Cock rens he was in a pessimistic mood All AH his faith In Jeffries good Intention Intention intention tion had vanished Jeffries Intend to fight me said aid Johnson and Ill bet 1000 that I am right He will lII come back to this country with bands playing and hell work the theatrical gag for all its worth He may sign articles and ap appoint appoint appoint point a date for the fight but mark my words when the time draws 1 raws near there will be je e an accident or a doctors certificate certificate certificate cate setting forth that Jeffries health will not allow him to fight All attempts to reason Johnson out of this line of thought were futile He says that if in the trend of events it should prove that he was wrong he will cheerfully admit the fact and if necessary nece sar apologize to Jeffries for doubting him himI I 1 dont see why wh anyone should think our pact binding said Johnson It lIt worth the paper it is written on Jeffs money is one place and mine is in another If It Jeffries signs real arti articles articles cles des and puts his forfeit where it will willbe willbe be 00 in company with Uh mine I may begin to think he means business bU although as I have said I believe there will be something to prevent our coming to together together together gether in the long run Johnson Johnm John n had something to say on the subject of bids bide I 1 see where some fellow owning a ranch in Oklahoma has offered said ald Jack Well as s 5 everyone knows I have not tried to place any in inthe Inthe inthe the way of a n tight light but I want to be un understood under understood der tood right now in regard to the lo location location location cation I will not fight in Oklahoma or south of the Mason and DIxon DI on line Une or at any outside place I am not crazy I want to fight In or near a big city where I will have all aU the protection the law affords and every chance to show that I am a better man than Jeffries |