Show WHAT WOULD OUD THEY II THINK Present Day Method of Telling How Game Is Played Might Surprise The following classic from the pen of ofa a Chicago sport writer describes a sec see section section tion or two of a recent game If an original Red Stocking or 01 any other should have such auch a line handed out about him do you ou think he would know what he was being bein called The second game was a case of Mar Markle Markle kle ide and Mathewson The young first baseman was robbed of a hit in the sec see second second ond Inning by a thrilling running catch catchin in Artie Artle Hofmans park and when he came up in the sixth he lie took the pre precaution precaution precaution caution to swipe one to left that just eluded the Infielders Big Meyers Meers va vs varied tied ried the program a trifle by soaking an another another another other Into right field That was mixing em up to perfection and sort of made Reulbach groggy After taking two ladylike pokes in futile at attempts attempts attempts tempts to bunt Mathewson double crossed big Edward by a masculine swing at the next one To the surprise of most folks the ball bounded into cen center center center ter for a single singie and that fellow Merkle scored Doyle fouled to Archer but Seymour picked up the thread of the plot and smashed another to center scoring COring the Injun Reulbach ch was de determined determined determined that Murray hit the first one so he it letting the two runners move up one notch each Tinker booted Murrays tap and Matty Matt the Crap Shooter came home to his folks Shafer walked and when he tried to swipe second Jimmy Archer fired Into center field and Red Murray Murra reported That was enough Reulbach had eased out of his system all of his wildness and with those two errors error properly marked for Identifies identification identification tion the case proceeded and at the mid middle middle middie dle die of the ninth inning a verdict of guilty for the Cubs was rendered ac according according according cording to the evidence that was intro introduced Introduced Introduced in that inning |