Show POULTRY MEN MEW IK IN I SESSION Discuss Exhibit for Utah Uth State Pair Pir Fir and Decide ll Il Will Wi Be Bea e ea a Big One Plans for the poultry exhibit at the Inland Empire exposition hi In I Salt Lake next month were discussed by members of the Utah itah Uta Poultry association at a meeting held hel at lat the Commercial Come club last lat night Considerable informal discussion was wa engaged in If with regard Ifa to varied ed tea fea features tures turea of ot the poultry business bi but no definite action was taken The T general por opinion expressed was wa that the poultry exhibit cess cesa at the th fair tair would be b a big bi sue suc success IC c The next meeting meting of or the association will willbe wil willbe be b held on the night of the first Thursday Tury in October at the Commercial club |