Show LOOK UP AND NOT DOWN These are the days and the nights when wh the skies are marvels of beauty There is ii much to make the September firmament armament t interesting That little di diversion diversion version in the shape of an eclipse of the moot moon by the planet Mars has passed p Jed but it was wonderful And even since the important event is i over moonrise is isa isa isa a marvelous thing Many a 3 a party has been given in honor of the big full fullmoon fullmoon fullmoon moon In the past week yeek And the glory of that orb through all the hours h lUrs of the night passes human humn powers of d scrip script I ti t ui n Men and women who have traveled ill all over oer the world tell us there are no su ft h tiU as these in Utah Th i l statement can well be believed by those who have gone to Saltair in the even evening evenIng evening ing There is te such a glory of color such a marvel of or transition tran through im in imperial Imperial penal beauties as no canvas could ever reproduce But Sut have you seen these September sunrises It is a little early in the morning and it may mean the deserting of ot a very comfortable couch at an hour when the average man and the average woman much prefer to sleep sleep But In Switzerland they wake one to see the sunrise e on Mont Blanc Blane There is less reason on in Switzerland than will be found here herein in Utah Just Jut get up one morning tend and watch the sun glorify those eastern e hills for half halt an hour the final appearance of the majestic orb of day In all nature there the Ife It no view so BO splendidly impressive impressive sive No one will describe it to you OU And It would be robbing you of a joy you yell yo may have entire even if they could These are the days and the nights to look rOOk up and not down |