Show LIVESTOCK MARKETS Kansas Kanses City Sept St atteO mar tsar market market ket steady to lOc bc 10 higher Native Nathe steers native cows and anI heifers helfers se UI stockers and an feeders feer 27 0 calves western steers stes 3 3 i 75 1 western e cows S Hogs Receipts 7 70 market strong to Sc 5 higher Bulk of sales heavy packers and butchers light pigs P 7 Sheep Receipts 50 market steady sted Muttons lambs 9 range range ewes ewe South Omaha Sept 1 Cattle Receipts 50 Active stronger stron tr Native Natle steers ster 47 cows and hollers heifers western steers f t Texas Teas steers range r 1 cows and heifers 7 canners 1 stockers stackers toker and feeders feers 30 calves 3 1 bulls bull and stags 27 Hogs Receipts MOO market steady Heavy Hev 1 t mixed 7 8 light pigs 6 O bulk of sales II Sheep Receipts market steady Lambs lower yearlings yearling wethe er en els ewes lambs 75 Chicago Sept 1 Cattle Receipts esti estimated estimated estimated mated at t market steady Beeves 4 Texas steers western steers teera I 46 stockers and feeders cows C WS and heifers calves Hogs Receipts estimated at 1500 mar market markt ket kt Sc higher Light mixed 3 heavy rough 1 11 7 good to choise heavy pigs 7 IA bulk of sales ales 7 Sheep Receipts estimated at mar market market market ket weak Native 2 western yearlings 4 lambs Iambs native western |