Show OWN YOUR nOME HOME You may draw your own plans and have your own archi architect architect supervise the b building ding Or you may show us what you want and we will prepare the plaris Everything specified so you will know exactly what you will get Dont put it off tin till the busy season is on Salt aIt Lake Security Trust Co CoIN CoI I IN OUR OWN BUILDING i 3 34 Main Street JJ J 4 A Bargain In Photographs at Today and tomorrow you can get the finest Cabinet Photo in the city for per dozen Call early 21 Main street streets s I MEMORIAL FOR MISS ANTHONY Memorial servIces will be held In the Salt Lake Assembly Hall HaIl at 1030 tomorrow to which the public Is most cordially Invited It Is ardently desired that Utah as a suffrage state wIll manifest due appreciation clation of the life work of this distin distinguished distinguished woman who labored so faith faithfully fully for tor humanity BATHSHEBA W SMITH EMMELINE B WELLS EMILY S RICHARDS TIME CLOCKS For registering make eM effi efficient dent time clerks and save waste oE o time by Agents for the Dey Automatic Regis Registers Registers The Breeden Office S Supply Co CoGO GO 60 West Second South I Dr Vincent 1719 I Dr Dentist Templeton Building Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs Joseph J Batley and family desire to express their most sin sincere sincere cere thanks to their many friends for forthe forthe the kind courtesies extended dUring their late bereavement I O I All AIl restaurants and hornet homei have bave Vienna bakery bread I Eat your lunch in the Palm garden at the RoyaL Dr Vincent Barratt haU Ich 1719 faulty Digestion Causes Physical and Mental Break C Schramm Guarantees Miona Will Strengthen Stomach Few people realize reaUze the intimate re relation lation between the mind and the stomach Worry and excessive men mental mental tal work react on the digestive system while on the other hand the greatest cause of nerve and brain impoverish impoverishment ment is a weak or faulty digestion When the stomach does not assimilate assimilate late the elements of strength and nerve force that are in the food we eat the energies we e Pend in the a e pro processes processes of life are not replaced and physIcal and mental breakdown results It If the stomach does not have action it unable to act just the same as a muscle that is not used be becomes becomes comes weak and valueless Just as soon as you find that your food is n not t properly digested that you taste It aft after af t ter er eating that the tongue Is furred the breath hea heavy the appetite poor the head occasionally dull and aching be begin begin gin the use of MIona This reliable remedy contains no pep pepsin pepsin sin and is an absolute strengthener of the digestive system In fact it is a guaranteed cure for all of the stomach excepting cancer It Is not a patent medicine and its formula Is fur furnished furnished to physicians druggists and aU all intelligent people who may desire It differs from any other remedy on the market both in its lasting ef effects effects and in the manner in whIch It Is told sold that is on a guarantee that It will cost nothing unless it cures Ask F C Schramm to show you the guarantee he gives with every box of Miona For sale by F C Schramm corner First South and Main streets Where the cars stop Sanpete passengers Use Ike 1113 old re reliable reliable liable S P V Through h coaches cst time vIa Nephi I a The 10 cents which you pay for a big pack package age of Sweets Chocolate Puffs a aI I Is as good an investment as you can maRe make for your stomachs sake I Any dealer deale knows CANDY CO COY Y Makers e I II I I Dont Use a aI I Public Drinking I Cup CupI I Sometimes its hard to keep from doing so after youve worked up a thirst but It if you ou I have the Kleen Kup The new Invention are selling and which is indispensable ble while traveling or outinG you will be in no danger from public ImbUe drInking vessels The price Is two for 5 cents SC Where the Cars Can Stop The Great Prescription on Drug DrugStore Store t U L j k Co tiL tUt Tl I Announcement New Store Main St WILL BE READY FOR BUSINESS Saturday March 1 1 |