Show MAY CHANGE DEPOT SITE Report That Harriman People Have Altered Plans It WaS given out here hor yesterday esterday on that the Harriman people will likely change their plans for the building of a new freight depot for Og Ogden Ogden den as far as th the Is concerned and that Instead of It being built at the foot ef f street t a ly Iy Intended it will wUl be constructed at th the foot of street where it is said the railroad people have s secured cured an option on i 1 great deal of propertY with this purpOSe In view Ber Before re the freight house as d to Its present location it was situated at street and there are arf many re OliH why the Harriman people would want to take up the old location It Is said that they do donot donot not look with favor upon the plans of oft t Gould interests for locating their freight terminal on street where they can readily tap an all the large warehouses and that by moving their location they could influence sonic of the larger concerns to follow with their ware warehouses warehouses houses There are probably other good goud r reasons ns for the contemplated change and some seine that are onor nore important to th interests |