Show MIning Notes Fourteen cars of ore from Tintic and andone andone one from Moapa vere were released from the Taylor alor Brunton sampler yesterday morning lI M J Daiy Daily superintendent of the he Siver Silver King properties was In the cIty yesterday a as a a witness in te the i sr aIer elter smoke cases ases Five cs cars of ore from Nevada to two from Bingham one from Milford and one from were reported at te the Pioneer sampler yesterday morning Willard lard F Snyder leyes leaves for Chicago today on cn important mining business Un Unless Unless less he Is compelled to eXtend extend his trip as asfar asfar far a as New Y York rk he wi will return in about i a week A Advices vices from the Carrie Mack compa nys flys property west of the lake show that that the shat shaft proper Is going down at a pace and that good ore is beig being taken out out The same is te true of the drift being rn run north in the vein ven on the level Mat Matt Connolly superintendent of the Ontario is down from camp for a da day or two b by Ms Mrs Connolly He states that good heway headway Is being made wit with te the new drift that has been to get around the caved portion of th tunnel on the e opposite side fm from those pe previously rim J E evet superintendent of the Flagstaff compans properties at Ata Alta caine from camp yesterday ad and wil will re return return turn tomorrow He says the reent recent snow snowstorms storms have pied piled up more snow tan than al all the storms of erly early winter put together At the Flagstaff a a force of about fifteen men Is In the running of a new cut under the kow known ore bodie bodies at great depth |