Show Z C M I I great bargain opportunity I in morrow splendid shoe values commences to ta tomorrow tomorrow CERTIFICATES TES OF GOOD VALUE Our 6 8 per cent CERTIFICATES OF op DEPOSIT are better than in individual individual individual mortgages on real estate because all collections are made by the company wit without out expense to the owner INTEREST AS ASWELL ASWELL WELL WEIL AS PRINCIPAL IS ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED by the SALT AND LAKE L TRUST COMPANY J Security Trust Building 34 Vain Xain St StOpp StOpp Opp Z 0 o X It L Lt t tI t I Blank Books Co 66 W d So Good Printing Co 66 69 W So s 0 Legal Blanks Co 66 W d So Sor s r Loose Leaf Devices Pt Co 61 W d S SQ SU SA SI ST SY SQ SQ Q SKIRT I Iu U BAGS A A new nen and convenient con e de device device device vice assuring perfect safe safety safety safety ty for jewels money pa papers paL paL L pers and all valuables that may be carried while trav tray traveling cling eling clingI Every woman should I have one Made of suede leather lined with silk and selling at from two to four fourT fourT dollars according to the tte T number of ot compartments and finish of the article To be worn under the theY theY Y dress skirt fastening about the waist S St t Where the Cars Stop J SALT LAKER STRUCK A SNAP One man in the city is stepping lightly now A few years ago Mr A AE AE AE E Swaner purchased a lot tot and small house on easy monthly pay payments payments ments monte and has just turned it back on the mini man he got it from towards towar s a n new 2500 home receiving full credit for all aIt hI h paid on principal This small home at Galena street on the Waterloo car line has only two rooms a and closet but is wen well built has a tine One large barn chicken coop lots of trees trets and all aU fenced The same offer Is again made to any anyone anyone anyone one wanting a start In life 25 2500 00 cash buys It 1500 a month pays for it in including Including eluding interest Price 1000 When is paid for I will w l take it back and credit cr all paid on principal on a anew anew anew new home If you maintain the house in as good condition as it now Is I have both phones at home nome No business ADDISON CAIN 4 1450 50 South Main aln Street KEEPING TRACK ot Of household expenses Is the special prerogative of the thrifty housewife hous How better may It be done than by depositing deposit ng the allowance periodically ally aBy In this bank and paying the bills with witha vitria a check on the bank Thus you YOl have havea ave avea a complete record of every evory tion If thor there Is anything you donUt dont understand about it ask the thi man at atthe atthe the UTAH SAVINGS TRUST CO CONo CONo CONo No Main Street In the business busine heart Slick as Glass Slick as glass Newly N made ice Mel Mellons Ions lons mammoth rink State street Special Special Specia cial cia rates to t all schools and clubs In Independent Independent Independent dependent phone BREEDEN OFFICE SUPPLY J ll CO COLetter COLetter lB Letter files and transfers n of all at kinds d 60 West Second South street J S SINCE I IThe The Automobile seems des destined destined tined fined to become the Lever of Trade in Salt Lake we wish to impress on the own owner owner owner er of cars and on those who hope to win cars that we handle fe h t complete line lin 5 of quick drying Motor Car Colors the finest that can be produced Call for Color Colm Book I Morrison orrisOn Merrill Co 28 Main Bell Ben Ex 9 Ind nd 01 f t A BURGLARS INTENT When a burglar enters a nome none he h not only does do s so with the th in intention or robbing but with ii tn tont tent to murder f necessary When a modern modem Safe Deposit Company is so accessible ac no noone noone one can conscientiously take that risk for himself or r any t I member of his household An in inspection Inspection of our rH and vaults is cordially cordi any extended where for less than one cent a aday aday aday day you receive every protection pr pro tee tec tion and security known to modern modem science SALT LAKE SECURITY t 6 TRUST COMPANY i 34 Main St SL Z C M K L LS I IS IB IS B S S D 0 Evans Undertaker and embalmer removed to new location 48 South State Stata street The 1118 Epicures Epic uras I Cheese is always to be had at our Delicatessen For the Welsh Rarebit There is none nona to compare with our Wisconsin pro product product duct luct Flavored Flav r l to o suit cultured tastes The Fancy Fanc Kinds Swiss SIss Edelwiess E Camembert or Brie Domestic Camembert or Brie genuine Limburger New York Brick Roquefort or Imperial Sap Sego or Breakfast Cheese always kept in perfect condition UNITED GROCERY CO GO Wholesale and Retail I Both phones 1 If Your Clothes Chance Sure Take lake any Siegel Suit uit or OF Ov r oat Up to 2250 22 50 Value Vahie lo loNo lor br i i 4 i h I 1 INo MA 1 c A y 1 No finer collection Y of worthy Suits and Overcoats were ever i 4 Wi i V Ip assembled at the regu regular regular r ut t tl l lar prices rices these lepie represent represent v Sc sent and V now you t I have the chance to tomake toI 1 make a pleasing pl asing t C 5 I choice at a saving un unmistakable unI TI S I I mistakable 11 J i c j I I i Values up to toI t w l I 4 2250 4 f is H MAIN r Get in Sure Tomorrow HOMES The right kind at the right prices We Wo have them Here Hare are aro a afew afew afew few 2400 Five room modern In fine ine condition Brick Southeast modern white pressed brick A beauty blHut Terms 2600 brick Lot rods rodg T Truis 3 00 New and und handsome Modern white prod brick North bench beich i Colonial style New red brick Modern North orth bench six sh rooms om modern North A bar bargain bargain bargain gain Very close clo e in modem modern whit white brick Seven rooms white brick Second AY Ay and in infine Infine infine fine shape Handsome bungalow East bench Eight room Fine Pine corner comer lot Jot Nearly new ne broom modern modem home North bench ben h High class Handsome home built by owner Nine rooms Bine ElIne street All conveniences Hot water heat t tWe We have hae many others also vacant property and farma farms See Sea S us if lf you want to o rent a house home We have a number of ot nice ones onas STOWE PALMER ALMER PALMERS P S TEE THE REALTY MEN CONTROLLING CO COINSURANCE INSURANCE THAT TILT INSURES 1 Lessees Co Insurance 52 West Yest rest Second South Street Both Phones Phone You Cant Keep a Good Town Down 20 REWARD P MS t V l For information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons interfering with t break breaking breaking I ing or stealing arc lamps globes fIxtures poles wires ap aJl apparatus I or material belonging to this company Penalty six months imprisonment or three hundred del dol dollars d dellam l lars lam or both UTAH AND AY COMPANY 1 IL iJ |