Show I LIVESTOCK MARKETS Chicago Jan IS On the produce ex cx exchange exchange change today the tho butter market was steady creameries 2130 21 30 dairies 1927 19 27 Eggs Easy at mark cases included 23 24 4 firsts 24 prime firsts 25 extras 27 21 11 South Omaha Jan IS Cattle Receipts market unchanged Hosa Receipts 10 market shade to 5 cents lower Heavy mixed lights pigs bulk buIlt Sheep Receipts market steady Fed muttons ns ii ewes lambs Kansas City Jan 18 Cattle Receipts 1000 steady Native Nathe steers southern steers native cows and h stockers and feeders bulls calves western steers western cows 27 Hogs Receipts market 5 S cents lower ower Bulk of sales heavies packers pigs and lights Sheep Receipts none market nomi steady I Chicago Jan 18 Cattle Receipts about market steady Beeves cows heifers heiters Texans calves westerns stockers and d feeders Hogs Receipts about market weak to 5 cents lower Lights mixed 42 heavies roughs pigs bulk of ot sales Sheep Receipts about 2000 market steady Natives 31 western yearlings lambs western |