Show SOCKER saCKER CLUB MEETS T r rEjects Elects Ejects Officers for the Ensuing l j Y Spring Season 1 The TIle Salt Lake association football 11 I club held its annual meeting at 61 SZ Ea Ear t f he 1 First South street last lut night and the fo lot n lowing officers were elected for the sea season season H son of IIO President Fred S Santor y vice president pre Robert Steven n secre e 1 ur r Alexander Adamson cap captain J I Itam J tain tam Fred Bromley trainer William V V I 3 h Hamilton vice captain A J Churchill Plans were mapped out for a t vigorous t f campaign during the socker seeker font football ball sea flea season season son lIOn and as 8 there ther will be another team teamon on the west side beside besides the Eureka Ii champions some ome spirited games cames may bj iJ b looked for or to get set possession p n of ot the Da Dayn n v r cup during the season |