Show WOMEN IN BOLO HOLDUP Ralph Wagner Claims to Have Been Robbed by on State Street ONE FLOURISHES PISTOL us COMPELS VICTIM TO SUBMIT TO select SEARCH purIt Two woman women bandits held up Wagner of ot li 14 South sout First Fast ra t t last night In im II front of city dt and m county building according to he tory nory oUd by Wagner Vagn r to the poU Wagner agner stated that h wim passing pa on the street aide side of tha th tl city eity eit and ind the tho pub public county building and was as near nEal lie lic fountain when two negro women accosted 1 him H II lie paid no attention 10 to 0 them until one thrust a II re revolver lv r before his eyes and nd ordered him to throw up his hie hands The Tile other 11 th n went through Wagners pockets pocket taking a watch and After securing the time booty b he lie ordered Wagner Vagner to move on ill He lIe obeyed but made hU his ld way as 13 a quickly as possible to police headquarter where he reported what had J Detective Schulze and m Bu Bush h were detailed to Investigate th the case ase la Wagner Vagner reported the tile alleged robbery about la Just t evening Ha To ex ix explained x plumed that Ih Ul holdup occurred a short time before he at pollee headquarters As AB South State street e In is I crowded at that hour of the vt the pollee police lannot cannot how a robbery of the character leg p by hy Wagner could have been boon successfully committed Wagner Vagner stated that on one otie of ff tl time o wo we women 0 men was Wall va tall tail antI and the oth r short abort The tall woman he lie said Mid tin re revolver 1 volver This is the second robbery robber in which a negro woman ie Is alleged all ed t hav fig figured Jacob Chapman of ot 8 West Veat Fifth South street complained to tho thi police on Friday that he had Imd been 1 robbed of 1150 1160 and a watch by two bandits assisted by a nero n neg woman RIman in front of ot the time entrance of the city and an county building |