Show i rut td 1 i E e tall III ll m I T l t k L West cst Front capitol Washington DC Physicians w s Often Prescribe stimulant For efficient tonic and PURE OLD whiskey as an fifty years it has bas been an established fact that Sunny Brook TIlE THE PURE FOOD Whiskey pr pris ideal possessing all the wholesome qualities that is can an only come from scientific distillation and careful ageing Every bottle is sealed with the Government Green Oreen Stamp assuring Sell Self It full age proof and quantity All First Class Dealers SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO Jefferson County Ky KyTHE KyTHE KyTHE THE F J 1 KIESEL CO G OGDEN UTAH Jo u Special Q on Mens Boots 50 Grade for Grade for Grade for fOL Grade for VINCENT u L Wll AIL W A W T Q AnTI I Wll ll M 0 A AT A Q A f D I A IP a cUT cUTt t 0 VERY VERV department Ire establishment will willbe E be i represented thus s WAND GRAND FINAL ANAL CLEANUP The past two weeks of oil o ff OMIT Great Clearance iunce Sale Saile has X o v left nen MS any with w lots of off odds ls and l ends these will wm be cast oe gun special pedal sales ailes o tables at t a mere trifle off of r costo costoMa y o Ma Mw g 1111 H c e un tt I Be M antu 11 H M aud n nW W Yum M nn m s Wool Woo n W Waists 31 ts f At Sensational n JA The Modern Modem Moose With Modern Methods 1 f fo or lBS lES LOW ILO 1140 W PRICES PR EC o 0 o 0 o 0 o o r t l 0 n 11 il QU D l o dI IHLi U m I Il tt Com Comprises uses ses Artistic Seasonable Sea e Creations o farmed el l omit from OMit trimming tu umu rooms roo nv ta the pat past two weeks by high ll tt class acid dl skillful sIk millinery m nn artists as this s store tou e is us s swenn well known for foro or The hats are made mcm dle Mil imp off ff materials matre of 3 t aD ao aD Q o a O o t 0 0 a 0 WELL UY A MAT 11 WILL Uy A 11 Uy A 11 W 5 W 00 W n OJ This Sale will bring out Dent crowds of off shoppers s rs and for you yoe to miss it dg would be unwise We most urgently request your SALlE SALE BENS BEGINS MONDAY lA Y MORNING AND WILL WILLA FOR THREE DAYS AllS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY C NJ GJ I SEE UR MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY Y IN HN SHOW WINDO WINDOWS J I IA ll A R Ill e ff f I In nn Ill um lIll n Wl 1 r U 7 o v p L ii i J a i IiA f I IXl A FINAL I CLEANUP UP ON AN I I I ALL ODDS AND ENDS ITS J I i 1 A FINAL SO gO YOU IOU WILL SEE I v t W f SOME SO IE WONDERFUL VALUES Waists W p g 5 to t O 0 Sell S e eOne II SOP for forA f Jo JoOne lot of Misses Skirts that n One p I 9 M o sold up to to go so at atOne 1 F FD l A x large and beautiful assort assortment M n M B n c tl ment to choose from rom waists for fori forOne all A large and varied assort assortment assorto u l 1 o One dot ot of o vo e Skirts Sk i I ment mont a of styles and colors In fine floe that sold sofa up un to o to go at atOne qualities o of Nuns Veiling Alba Albatross M 1 tross Sicilian and a few lace M tJ D 0 I I j The cheapest waist in this big bigOne 1 f Waist Salo sold at regular price prim One lot of n Skirts Skirls for bU and from that up to j that sold up to to go Sa at atOur f S Ea 50 at t Q Q J 0 ID p O Our entire line of oC t Skirts at ONE E j THIRD OFF OFFA D DA MM l y A large assortment of oC extra I M MI M sizes are included in this lot I VV ViV W W WW WWW 1 J I Vienna Walnut bread cannot be u cu celled Ask your grocer or phone 1951 A i y |