Show Tommy T odd Todd He Writes to His Uncle Jack By WEX VEX JONES I rE R UNKEL U KEr JACK n II The Tie wn white I DS I mows you Gay me for tor A pets pet nn Rn itt run ran away an The cat run after atter Itt Ht butt buttI the mows goed A hole an au the Cat I catch Itt Ht wel now pop nee flee Is mad II bee hee ser sea every enry plase I 1 Go 1 I find lInd white hr J he be hows bows they Upp Dpp enry thing ours Is The oily oaly hows bows with Waite Tin in Itt jams Is Ma they bare hare nun I Inn his bis haws bows I f i saw A aut 0 mob II e In a Store Hore winds muther Sl t That long I like Them Theia they gos os Fast muther sex eez doo doe knot Ask for things I Amm Amra Knot ask u butt i II I Wil rite 1 meen right 2 Santy Klaws for tOrI 1 1 i 1 t like them Tommy i deer unkel jack pop gee Bee wishes a tt awood l 1 lwood wood cum an talk Bak Bat yure Jure mor an All Alt Its bee hee ser sea mister rown mast must talk bak bale The bool boot dog bee hee gay Mee butt 1 I Ibay bay Itt I tt bid Inn the seller pop s e era Hee wU wll Itt muther cuther ma walk malk Ik Out I the stalk talk tor Jar diner an A pi pl Went I Itt Ht down 2 the bool boo do dog I vet e et the pi pl n The muther Is out I I cant the rest In the windo Of Ot the thedore store dore I hope Santy wil wll sea iel Itt Ht nil w U 11 u say sav I the i life lite of ml bool boot dog dOli Itts face lace 1st In Bent butt buttI I Its A dum Tommy TommyS I deer unkel jack the S boot bool 5 Is In the Kitchen ken pop Itts bed an I sed led nobel u II IIi Hv v us itt bitt a 1 burglar Last nite te Itt cot him an Bitt him himIn himi himin i In the seller On the legs Pegg wee towed L bitt bittor bittof of or his bis pants pop sed The bool boo dog doj do Is A Anobel Ai Anobel i nobel watchdog w an Cards Gards us with Itts IUs life lUe lUeI A lesson 2 tate tote I deer unkel I like lite doo n a Iff they woodcut t fitt tt InQ fn A Wood W 4 Santy i leers then them Iff Id flee Bee 1 t dont want 11 1 1 I want Any wll fitt In deir der cleir unkeI 1 dia de knot forget Tommy I deer unkel jack pop kicked att The bool boot do dog butt Him film lm bee sea Itt lit la is A wurth br ot that bites the that feeds teed Itt s I the bool boot flog tt g bad had Gott out oat Of the seller sellet i an s a A pare part of at pops papa own parts an took them 2 The seller 2 worry t em Itt was waa wasi i Knot lino I not A burglar att aft all au an Itt Is knot A Ai AnobeL i nobeL watch W tt dog doe envy more e Butt a n dashed dash ed mutt matt t I Itt IUd Hid In A close C now DOW Ue maths dont c it Terry m b the tbt ct y |