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Show IMvI.lXIV A . I ' I -I : i L 'If il- ; : ; !:(..: j'.i. : . :: ; i : ... I'.r ; .- v :j A. I.-.::! , ;.v... I -. I; . : 1 - -.It l-i5 V..i i-.:.:.- : i : i : : U l - I.: : i it u .11 I:.-: .-u. ':: t:j. M i.:.-?. tit it at c-.-t a L J.-L..-1 tw A (.'.:.:. . Li- w- :i i o -L't a (. a t:.c L .r-'-. ki wL..'h -: .:h c .-. r. A Iue- j liJy i. -.'r;ici the d r- f L il:.' t-J L.1I1 a LLC t.O'.tl C'.'U.'J. wl.i.ii L u.:-Uica 1'jr Lcr ticket. 'I':..-l!c:'":c t'.-l- -r-i; h L.s rc'ich.i Var i.-e. a L t tie t-.'Wn in the n.r:h ti-i.-in extrc-u-ity ct' Norway, i-'ut'a'ic i':.-: n :r'-Lcr:io-t s.t:i'jLL.c!:t un tl.'- In N'.-w (Oilia:!-- t'iC lithvr Jay a ' Ii:i' J a woman iJ t'.T bcio,: druiik. aul ti.'.-u pave the money to Ler ti'.ne year oil daughter tor a pair ol ear-rii!-'-. Tv. j c!il- in a tuia'.l town in Oi.io run a Liai-k-ii.i'ih's --hup all by them--eive.-. '1 iu-y dre.-s in blouuier costume, cos-tume, and .-hee a hurse jut as well as a man. The French .-:y!e of betting is quite novel. If the lady IujOs. fhe gives the eviitleiiian what she chooies; if the I eentleman lose.-, lie gives Ler whatever! he a.-ks for. j A man committed suicide by hang- j ins i" St. Louis the other day, having arranged the uoo-e so that it would do its work while he was under the in-' 1 tluenee of chloroform. Liebig said recently to an American that specimens of American lager beer that had been sent to him for examination examin-ation were fully equal to the best he j had ever tasted in Bavaria. The small portion of New Orleans which doesn't belong to Mrs. Gaines is now claimed by the heirs of one Madame L'elibizarre, a Creole Anneke Jans, who died a century ago. A church member in Middletown, Conn., who found a stranger in his pew on Sunday morning, took him by i the collar and pulled him out into the ai.-le. Then he joined devoutly in the service. The Ohio Legislature recently passed a law that the books in use in the public pub-lic schools of the State shall not be changed oftener than once in three years, and then only by a vote of two-thirds two-thirds of the respective school boards. Win. Hawk, of Sandusky, Ohio, I saved the life of Andrew Phelps by dragging him out of the Housatonie river in Massachusetts in 1S29, and a few days ago long after he had forgotten for-gotten all about it he was rewarded for his brave act by a service of silver from the man he had saved. S A church mouse, crawling up the leg of a worshipper at one of the Boston Bos-ton churches the other Sunday, fell i0 into a trap, as the gentlemen possesses coolness and pluck. He killed the in-. in-. vader before he could escape, and did not disturb the occupants of the neighs' neigh-s' boring pews. |