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Show Northern Pacific R. R. Things begin to look squally for the upper route of the Northern Pacific railroad. Just as we predicted, before going on and locating the route definitely ihrough any of the passes north of the Columbia river, the company has been prudently taking observations. Here is what they have discovered up to the present writing : Mr. Wadleigh, of this city, the Ore-gonian Ore-gonian says, has just arrived down from Yakima. He reports that the surveyors of the Northern Pacific Railroad Rail-road Company, who have been examining ex-amining the Snoqualmie Pass the past winter were heard from just before he started down. They report that on the first of March the snow was seventeen and a half feet deep, and that on the tenth it was still fifteen feet deep. And that is considered the most favorable pass they have up there. It looks like it would hardly do for a great national railroad rcrute. The company may yet compare those bleak snow fields with our easy passes favorably to the latter, and be wise enough to select them. Idaho Statesman, 25. |