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Show Kini-.i MmkI'OOK Wam'Kiv Api!v i. I tu- :vvi.'l:My ot'tlu' K i.1i:U)0 .! U.M.lui.K- K.vin.-. ' ll.lv llj .ispskk Sis. HA N DM AN X, on Thur.i:iv owning ii. .t, in His re:t obsraotor of SHY l.lK'K. adv Two Koovs to IK.T in tho '20th "Ward, apply at ho IIkkald Otlice. adv I Go anp skk Mks. I! AX DM A XX, on Thursday evening next, as "PORTIA." "POR-TIA." adv National Hotel, east of the Post Oinoosnd wrst of the Theatre. MEALS FIFTY CENTS. LODGING FIFTY CENTS. Twenty-one meal ticketsoniy eight dollars. H. L. South worth, Proprietor. 3.Ca1 Adobes for sale. An experienced Euiel mr.ner wanted. adv "Wasted, dried PEA CHESand AP- PLES, at Riggs fc Lechtenberg s, tive doors south Co-operative Grocery, j East Tempie street. adv Ftre Tp ! Xo reference) to the coming com-ing Eire Engine, but to those splendid cigars to be got at Ed. Harris' Little Cigar Store round the corner. .Best Tobacco. adv Wasted a place, in a Mormon family, by a young lady, twenty years of age. Inquire at Mr. Browns, loth "Ward, next house to Mrs. Kimball's. adv IFresu Salmon, Cod, and other choice varieties of Fish, wholesale and retail, at J. K. Clawson's. adv Seamless Ore Sacks. P. A. i Chadbourne, Esq., is prepared to supply, sup-ply, through his agents, seamless sacks, for ore, in unlimited quantity. The information should be made a note of by miners and purchasers of. ores. W. H. Woodhull, Esq., of Woodhuil Bro's, at "Beid's," is agent; here, and Messrs. Clasbey & Read are agents for the Little Cottonwood dis- j trict. See the advertisement. ' I HOUSE forSALE inthel-SthWa'd, 1 containing six rooms; a good well on the premises. Lot 00 feet front by 20 rods j ilee-p. Enquire of Ii. K. Melrose, Build- ; er, Commercitd St. adv! YV.vstkk, A GIRL to do general housework, apply at Hkkald Oilloe. adv I Three CONCOKD COACHES for 1 salo at threo hundred and titty dollars j each, at the Townsend House. adv A Fine Concord BUGGY for SALE. Enquire at the Townsend i House. adv The renowned Traeic Artistes, Mr. and Mrs. BANDMANN, will appear at the Theatre, on Thursday, Friday I and Saturday evenings. adv That Final Social to-morrrow night, in Independence Hall, for the benefit of the Exchange and Reading Rooms, is a clear thing. We acknowledge acknow-ledge a ticket of invitation, and expect there will be a very pleasant, enjoyable enjoya-ble time. The committee are Judge Strickland, Col. Kahn and B. Fabian, Esq. Bathers. For Hot. Warm, or Cold BATHS, goto John B.. Clawson's east of Herald office. adv "Wanted a steady woman as HOUSEKEEPER. HOUSE-KEEPER. Apply to Hague Bro's Big Gun Store. adv House for Sale Sixty-seven rods square of ground. The house contains 5 rooms, with good well. Terms: one-half one-half cash; balance in six months. A bargain. Location, one block west of Depot. Enquire of K. K. Melrose, Builder. adv Lot to Lease. A small lot to lease for 5 years, 130x75; suitable for small residence; res-idence; situated in the 14th ward. Enquire En-quire of It. K. Melrose, Carpenter, Commercial St. adv j If YOU want a Bo. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. &dv For a stylish pair of Pants go and 6ee M. Earl,Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv K. K. Eohkhts, m. D., Physician and Surokon. Dr. Huberts treats, successfully, suc-cessfully, all CUUAULE C11KO.N1C DISEASES, by Animal Maonetism and tho Swkdisu Movement Curk, giving medicines only when absolutely n-ecssury. Dr. Boberts lias established bis office permatit-ntly, opposito tho Kkverk House, Salt Lako City. adv" Proclamation to thk Public. I do hereby issuo this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public: Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the U.P.R.R., will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby hav-; hav-; ing a good night's rest, and so be fresh I for travel at 8 o'clock a.m., when the j daily express train leaves this depot. At ! the Ogden House we offer as good ac-! ac-! commodations as ary house west of Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from the depot. I adv John Mahon, Proprietor. 013 FOR SALE OR LEASE. TO 3IIjVERS I For Sale or Lease. 600 feet Placer ground In BINGHAM CANON. Apply to WM. GARDNER, my2 At J. B. Meader's Assay Office. A LAIU;i; STOKE FOR SALE, On Commercial Street. Two stories; four rooms in the second story. Enquire of R- R MELROSE, a0 Bui.der. FOR SALE A SMALL. HOUSE, WITH GROCSD 40 1 115'A rcet' Half-a-block from Walker Bro's store. a-50 Inquire ofR- R.MELROSE. BUILDSG LOT FOR SALE, Well fenced, planted with choice 'frriit, containing con-taining one hundred rods and within short distance of the bnfiDess part of the ciiy. Apply at the "Herald" office- " a3 FOR SAJLE AE AT LITTLE IinuSE AND LOT. in tho 20tli Ward, to bo sold as th? j property of George Ryndors. Inquire of J. T. LITTLE. OFFICES and DESK ROOMS TO ZRJE3STT al5 MISCELLANEOUS. j 5 0,000 SHINGrLES FOR. SALE CHEAP, at FOLSOM, ROMNEY & Co's. WANTED, A GOOD COOK. A "WOMAN PREFERRED. Apply at The DESERET BOARDING HOUSE a26 A few doors eat of Post Office. LOST, A COLD WATCH AT or near thePo-t Office. The finder will he liberally rewarded by leavinc it at the Post Office Jvc vs Stand, and confer a great favor on the lady who has lost it. NOTICE ! THE PUBLIC is hereby notified not to purchase a certain lot oi" ground eitua-ted eitua-ted in Central City, Little Cottonwood MiniDg District, and described as follows, to wit being the fir;t lot adjoining the property pro-perty of Clasby & Read, on tbe west side, and is forty-two and one-half feet front and one hundred and fifty feet deep, as I have located and improved the same according to the customary usages of mining towns, and will hold tho same. al2 AUGUST VON R.IPPEN H A US. p im c. asmiisses HS2 New Rock Building, Opposite- the Salt Lake Exchange, offers te the public, the finest WATCHES AND JEWELRY At prices that defy competition. ' n THE fTTTMTk U!I. mWMn Whitewater WACON. Warranted .the Best Wagon in the Market. FOR SALK BY GEO, B . SPENCER, al9 8 ALT LAKE. $25 REWARD. STRAYED, from the California Pin-nl, one tjorrvl HoR.SK, two Dun MFLES, one Roan MULE and one Sorrel MILK, branded G on I ft hip. The above reward will fed paid for their retura, WASHBURN & LEIHY. JUST ARRIVED ! A choice lot of Black Alpacas, Grenadines, Embroidery, Laces, Fans, Parasols, Etc, at MULES & HORSES FOR SALE! Just Grrivpd. fifty head of Work, Driving and Saddle Mules and Horses, May be seen at the California Corral. WASHBURNE 4LEIHT, a0 A Live Paper I'OK Live People.' THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD the SECULAR AXD COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKE CITY. TiiePeople's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The Rocky Mountains ! TO MEN OF ENTERPRISE! The recent discovery and . rapid development develop-ment of the mines of Utah hare given, and will continue to give, an impetus to trade of erery kind, which should command the attention at-tention of all business men who desire to stare in its profits. Heary shipments of ores for months past havebeen bringing wealth into the Territory; a large immigration has commenced; agricultural agri-cultural and other products are finding ready sales ; and merchants begin to feel the steady flow of money through the varied channels of commerce. To business men at a distance who se ek to participate in the lively trade which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, as well as to the local public, & live, energetic newspaper is a necessity, by which to be made fully acquainted with the true condition condi-tion of matters as they exist, and through whioh to present their business and facilities fortunishing eo promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully meets this necessity in Utah. Not being the organ of any person, sect or party, nor devoted alone to any single Interest, it has grown upon public favor and attained an unprecedented circulation circula-tion in the time which ha3 elapsed since it was established, by beine in the strictest sense a Free, Independent, Live and Thoroughly Progressive NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with the greatest care and from the most reliable sources, makes it valuable to all interested in the mines of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL - INTELLIGENCE Can be equally relied on; and its enterprise has placed it in the FROM RANK OF THE ROCKY MOEATAIX JOURNALS. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read in every Mining Camp, and throughout the Cities, Towns and Settlements of the Territory; Terri-tory; is found in the office of every enterprising enterpris-ing business man in Utah; circulates on the Union Pacific. Central Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Railroads; has a large mail subscription list east, west, north and south; and is The Best Advertising Medium In! the Rocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise 1 Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the People's Paper! THE SALT LIRE HERALD, J?0 YOU "WANT EMPLOYMENT HIRED HELP, MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO RENT, HOUSES TO RENT, OFFICES TO RENT, STORES TO RENT, MAKE TOUR WANTS ENO W IN THE I Salt Lake Herald. Clfllli WWM, Just Opened, a Larfro Stock or ENGLISH, FRENCH, OREGON and DOMESTIC CASSiriEKES, All the Newest Styles of Gents9 Summer Hats ! i JUST RECEIVED, lj 0 0 Pie-es A" L PAP'"1'" In Gilt, Satin and Common, and ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF DECORATIONS. FLORENCE SCARFand NECK TIES Iii Endless Variety. H. B. CLAWSON, Suit. 4-?ri HOIEL, BOARDING AND PRIVATE HOUSE. ii i'l KEEPERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR fiftf &m INTEREST TO CALL AT '':J vf DIKTAATOODEY'S fgSa Furniture Rooms, f 5 EAST TEMPLE STREET, U1JJ&$3 Where can b.purehl SOLID WAX..NUT SOLID WALNUT Fine Sets of Bedroom Fine Parlor Sets, ' SlOO to 800 " Furniture, from $GO to SlOO " D'ble Bedsteads, " 8 to 30 " F. L. Tables, 8 to 9 " Jrleat Safes - - $13 each. Cane Seat Dining Room Choirs, "Wood Seat, - SI. 50 and S3 each Uak and Walnut, SI 8 to S'3 per set Co. Do. - SIS Dd 8 1 8 per dot Knock down and boxed. , Spring, Wool and Strata Mattrasses, all prices, according to quality. Walnut Lumber for sale, from IS to20cts. per foot, at H. D's Furniture Factory. N. B. -PLANING DONE WITH DISPATCH, si STAGE AMD EXPRESS. JrT HO ! Jlliii For Bingham ! ON and after Wednesday. April 5. 1S71. -tiges will leave fro:u the o(5"e ni vrelis. Farpo fc Co.. ti- Bingnaui, at 7 a.m. lie-turning, lie-turning, leave Bingh tin at -2 p ra., carrying U. 0. .ilail and W . V k C-k 's E. p ess. HAXDEL i Co., Propriors. II. Yf. McKEB. Agent. ao BULLIOXCITY ?ri rX' J- Gr I j H IV 1-T . OTAGE3 leave Xophi eve'v Thnrsdar. for O BULLION Cll'Y and i he. Sh"Ii.r MINKS. OGice epnihoase. a8 II. GOLDSBR I'Gn. Aeent. Len Wines. II. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express B.LNXISG DIILIT FROJI SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON" AKD OPHIR. TO TINTIC. The route has been restoc!ed with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine StocK, caiefiil and attentive Drivers, and every attention is paid to the comfort and convenience of passengers. passen-gers. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Chsap Fare and Qjicfc Tims Office at "Wells, Fargo &. Co.'fl, Salt Lake City. VTIXES & KIMBALL, n14 Proprietrc. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS DAIL GBEM, Dealer ia Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. FRESH BREAD, CAKuB, A N'T) ORACE:23RS Every Bay, Sundays excepted. ICashsWheat j Fi.OM 1.75 to S2.00 Per Bushel, according to Quality, DELIVERED AT BIG COTTONWOOD KILLS. GENERAL DEALERS. Arrived and open for the inspection of the public, a splendid assortment of SPRING AXD SUMMER STYLES 'DRESS GOODS And a heivy stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Etc, . Etc. OUK STOCK or BOOTS AND SHOES A Specialty ! And well deserving the attention of Country Buyers, both WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A choice assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Agricultural and Minin- Tools. THE BLES SEWING MACHINE. The Latest and Best. CALL AND EXAMINE. Satisfaction Guaranteed to all our Customers. EAGLE HOUSE, , OPPOSITE THE SALT LAKE HOUSE f2S CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. "Wholesale and Retail Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GROESBKCK'S BCILDISGS, &17 at Tempi Street. |