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Show GENERAL DEALERS. ; Ilm Jn-t RiivpcI aii'l 11 no 0j":uiijf t .Ni:w, I'ri.-li &u:k jV Dip:. fl'UIU til.! IlxiC ai.'l Went, MINERS' Outfitting Goods, ilrovvvlvs, Hard ware Liquor. Tobacco, Clears, Cocke ry CLOTHING, BLANKETS, AND Boots and Shoes, OF CALIFORNIA MANUFACTU RE, I At Store in Groesbeck's Block, the. HilMnt Store, S A LT LA K i: I IT V, I T V 1 1 Whoro ho can anJ will ofTer BSSUHPASSED INDUCEMENTS To all who may fnvor liiui with thoir patronage. Kcnmine the Stock and Judye for yourselves. 117 t WAGON AND CARRIAGE. iTailroad shops. A. HOPPER & CO., Second South Street, Half (Block Kast Rcvfre House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAGON l AND ' CARRIAGE AVOIIK. Of all Descriptions. HARNESS 3Iade ami Repaired. BLACKSMITillNG Or all kinds. CARRIAGE PAINTING iD TRLlIimC. A. HOPPER. . B, ZABBISK1E. LUMBER YARD. TRUCKEE LUMBERYARD o CD o m o o Pi CD CD o &J3 O i 13 I i ! I I w p 3 HARDWARE. Out to the Front ! Stoves, Tin and Hardware SERSENEY&CO REMOVED '!!. Ir -:.,.-a of STOVES and TINWARE To the siore OPPOSITE WELLS, FARGC & CO S OFFICE, 1 WHERE WILL BE FOIWD TSie Most Complete Stock of Stoves in Utah. HOUSEKEEPERS, MERCHANTS AND MINERS 117 Jiiul it to their advantage l call and examine our stock: ; ml IRON WORKS, i EICHAEDS Iron Works, j Nos. 4, 49, 51, 53 and 55, ! SOUTH JEFFERSON ST. .CHICAGO, ELL., Manufacturers of TORTACLE&STATIOMRY ENGINES, ; From '2 to 500 Horse-Power, Steam rumps, ' Rotary Pumps, Tumping Engines, I Water-Works Machinery, IMPROVED POKTiVBLE Smelting Furnaces F03 Reducing Galena anl Silver Ores, ROOT'S ROTARY BLOWERS. STURTEVANT'S BLOWERS, Ore and Q-:irlz tV;.v.W. STEAM BATTERIES AND STAMP MILLS, ' WERE FiOPE. HOISTING MACHINES, riAMOND-PFJLLS, PORTABLE S 1WOI1LL S . 5HIS-GLE-.H1IJ.S i.D WOOD-WORK-I5G MACH15ERT, RICHAKD5' PORTABLE GRIST ?I1LLS iXD BOLTISG-CHESTS, Shafting, Pulleys, Eslting and Elevator Machinery BUILT TO ORDER. j SP Mr. Richards can be consumed for a few days at the Townsend House. Barron & Co.'s LUMBER YARD Corner of First South nnd Third est Streets, one Block South of Railroad Depot, at the end of Track, Salt Lake City, llave con-.mt'y on feancl all descriptions of ! Utah, Truckee and California Kedwood LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH AND PICKETS. ALSO A FULL ASSORTMENT OF I DOORS, SASH, BLIXDS AXD I XOULDIXGS. Special Orders from Lumber Dealers and Builders filled on short notice. The public are invited to call; and a fair portion of patronage respectfully solicited, a2 BARRON &, CO. NEW YORK TBADE. HENDERSON, JUSTICE&Co Successors to Griffen, Henderson k Co., IMPORTERS ASD JOBBERS OF BUY GOODS, AOTIO.XS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC., 496 & 500 BROADWAY, Opposiie St. Nicholas Hotel, ila . New York. j Poclj Nazro. Kimball & Co,, j WHOLESALE GROCERS 35 "Warren St., cor. Church, 1 J. H. EULGER. New York. News to Housekeepers ! A. birrel of F'oar ma'ses forxy pounds more I cf Bread wun I SEA FOAMi t:z:e required for dough to raise, butbaie ' in a ho: oven as socu mLied. j ' SEA FOAM saves Errs, Shortening, ililk, 1 .:c, and is a wonderiai economy. ; THE SEA FO M IS AS ENTIRELY EW LWEXTIOX, WITHOUT ' ASY OF THE BAD QUALITIES OF YEAST OR BAKING POW- ' DEKS, SODA OR SALLKATI j. j GZO. r. GA" TZ i Cx, iraumactureTS, 1-6 jjaane S:ree:. . Y. C. A, Lor-sireeu John Sed.gTr.ok. i LCX23TREST & juanu.fic;urers of azd "VThclesal hHM!3 S5QY3'CL0THIN8, 465 Jt 4r6S Broadway, Sew Tork. FELIX CAMPBELL, i 9 Jo'zn. St, Xe "Fork, Wronslit, Cast and Galvaniied A .t trry r-r-fify : f-ii-.ct f:r run iLtyhat UhinkS GAXTZ' SICILY LEMON SUGAR ?;c-zic is cc.?le:e wiica.: it. Every chil-jirtv chil-jirtv or O'JLt: sz-c-.u ca-:herlg. ihoalihave plen:y c: noi3 wnolesome and delicious e"cen traced Lemonade. 5 A Foantl Can makes Thirty full slie half-pint tumblers ofPurt c m on de. G0. F. GAXTZ CoMac-ficrrsr?. CONFECTIONERS. H. WALLACE, M i, ci. . Ire '. . . t l : lie BfcsrCADlfcS, Lt,40,i- MX.' til.. i POF-COU.'V BALLS. PICKLES. slKPUlsK BOIt, TOBACCO, CICiAKS.I Bread, C.-ackers and Pies fresh every day. WATCHMAKERS. j PSACTiCAL WATCHMAKERS.; - zz ZZ " () - ELIASCM & HAUERSACH, Next Door Eul of the Herald, Are w.rkaien who c't only rep.iir Watches Ai C. .".-is. tai will LUiii iU'Uwi to order ia any dtfired s'.yie, or any j-ari '!" thcin, ltoui a i-ivot or i:nioQ to an enure M'aU-h. i Work Executed on Moderate Ttrmi ! SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. BRITTAN, H0LER00K&C0 Importers and Dealers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRGN&TI PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, Hioici and Iron i I i o . TIX! I IS V i O O I , Toola and Michinary and General HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Japanned, Planished and Stamped Ware, No. Ill A. 113 California and oo .oi. 17 Itf Davit Streeti. DEKTH. STAIR Si GAMPEELL BISCUIT BAKERS, And manufacturers of Soda, Boston, Butter, Pic N'tc, Sugar, ! Milk, and La Grande CK ACKERS, Jenny Lind Cakes, Ginger Snapps, Pilot Bread, Saloon Pilot Bread, Etc. The above Crackers are baked fresh daily, aud are of the very beat description. All materials used in their manufacture are of the beit quality. Bakery 210 and 81i Mission St., and 203 Sacramento M., fS SAX FHAXC1SCO W1LMERDIN3 & KELLQQ3, Importers and Jobbers of Wine3 and Liquors, 214 & 216 FKOINT STKEET, j7 SAN FRANCISCO. JNO. G. HODGE & CO., IMPORTER! and Wholesale Stationers, Keep tke largest stock of Stationery, Blank Books. School Books, Flaying Cards, Wrapping Wrap-ping Papers, Twines, PocJtet Cutlery y dc. , d'c. , On the Pacific Coast.which theyare prepared tosell either for Gold or Currency at prices that will offer inducements for buyers anywhere west f the Rocky Mountains. 327, 329 & 331 SAXSOME STREET, mil San Francisco. Wm. T. Reynolds & Co., Importers and Dealers in FIXE WIXES AXD LIQUORS, Agents for Rosenljanm and C. O. D, Bitters. 425 & 427 liattery iSt., Sun Francisco. S3?- Special attention paid to Choice Goods foi Medical and Family u?e. Bill GRAND HOTEL On Market, New Montgomery and Second Streets, SAW FRA.IVCISCO, G-A-Xi. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. f5 THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN" FRANCISCO. D. 0. MILLS, - PRESIDENT. W. 0. RALSTON, - CASHIER. Capital Paid lp, - 85,000,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on all the principal cities of the fS orld. E. MARTIN & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Wmes andL.iquors 103 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. H. B. HUS"T. m5 MURPHY.GBANT & GO. I Importers of American and European Fancy aud Staple DBY GOODS, HVs FiiAiSCI?SCO, CALIFORXIA, Beg to call the attention oftheTradeto their lare and varie-i stock, comprising complete lines of the following goods : SILKS Black, Colored and Fancy) , jVELVETS, 'nQtCQ nfl',n2 French. English UiiLO j UUuJO, and German. HOSIERY, !KID GLOVES, GENTS' FUENiSH'3 GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOO of every kind. QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS,' and Cotton. j SHIRTING & HOUSEKEEP- ING LINEN. C LI U'I O Lace, Broche, Culimcrc, GnTTfiVi3 Eleached and Brown, Ul Illll S, of aU kinds. jGOTTCHADES, K7 JEANS, j CASSiinERES- ic,iC. FLANNELS, 1111 colo"e"d qnaU' BLANKETS, i - Jaai Sprain Jchz Eprzzzce, C. C. Chi; 43- i J. & J. SPRUANCE, i Inirortr3 and Wholesale Tiaiera in IWINES ANO LIQUORS, I ji 413 FROST STREET. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEPTi I i t.urs, I'tnp-jri't.m uil.ii;ii:$, ! A f'.l. Crst-cliss stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, 3TOTIOAS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PRICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operativ Dealers please iuspeet. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families GROCERY-HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can here find An Immense Stock ANP IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VAR1E T Y . IMPLEMENTS, TPOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEP'T. HOKE-FJSADE AND IMP OETED MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FREXCH, GERJIA.V, ENGLISH and AMERICAS FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. 4S- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS ASD WORKSEJ TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLT. !dRU& DEP'T. I I Fancy and Staple Drugs. I PATENT MEDICINES, 'LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY I : ENGLISH AXE ASD PORTER, AVERILL PAIST WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORS !glass, ETC. i Prej-crip.iont from Physicians icM ! have special attention. SI. E. CLiWSO.A, Supt. f THE CELEBRATED $ STUDEBAKER WIG! ! : Farmers and Teamsters TIIEEE APE NINE EEASONb I Why You Should Buy the above Wagon VI UST, They are uiuao of the be.-t selected lsiUASA Tl.MBKft, thoroii;.!.'.' si'uoiu'd under eover. M'.Cd.V I). 'l'Uev are made hy oxperieneed free labor. Till Ul), 'I'lie iklue-t running; and mo.-t durable W'aijon in the M.uVt. Kill ItTII, Their Thiiubli Skeins never break, while all others da. 1-' 1FTII, Most unil'orm und be.-l proportioned Wai; ei in Market; any i.in oi one will tit another, while other "makes" will not. 1 St M il, The only W'aeon in whieh the Sl.Ol'K SlKU'LOKl! STOKK 1, 1 used ; henee they have the best Wheel, whieh is aetiially the tbund.it ion ot' tl, Waeon. mid should be earofully esamiued by ersons Inlying. M. r..N'1'U, They are sold only by responsible parlies ; and every Wiuvu is warranted to ejve entire salistaetion. KHill lTl, lieeause Teamsteri will tell you liny are the best Wae,,m, fot all purposes, on the road. M.T11, Last but not least : tfiudebaker llrotheis are praetieal men, m tend to their business personally, nnd do not entrust it entirely to l-'otemen, v, is generally the ea.-e in lai -ie laetories; henee the superiority of their work over all others. 'Soldby JNO.T. GAINE, lal 'T1KUAUV ObT'H'K, Salt Lake City. CHICAGO TRADE. CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Heiul.iuarlers for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, 51anufaoturer3 of the celebratcl WThStlX Olh TANK. rAtiJU, 1511 O.Aj CO., lmiHjrtci-6 ami Doftli-ra iu LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, SK.. CHICMO. ILL Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WhFeLEB Sl CO., filanufucturors of Euglite, Slcn! Tnllow, Lnrd and WOOL OILS,. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, Whalo Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oils, Ageut. for the sale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. AgeuU of the West Virgiuia Oil aud Oil Land MAMCFACTUBERS Or EXCELSIOR CAR, RQOF AND IRON PAINT For Tin and Shiugle Koofa, llrulge Tnubera, Ac. Factory, CHICAGO. Office, 3a3 & 3aa Illinois St., lu S. Water sireoi, U14 M. D. WELLS & CO,, Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers iu Hoots and Shoes, 114 &, 110 Wabasli Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, II. J. MaffiirliiLd, R. Benedict, S. P. Mctmyro VAIT SCHAACK, STEVENSON & RE1D WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealers 111 PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &o., &o. 90, 93 6s. 94 Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a large experience in tho Territorial trade, we fuel sure of ifiving satisfaction in quality, prices and packing. 118 FIRE BRICK, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN. R0BINS0rT& SON, 215 East Madison Street, Chicago, III. I5KICGS HOUSE B. II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and PIT ! P 0 C Randolph Streets, VjlllVjAuU, This House is centrally located, well fur- n?gh'?i. nn'i oriT.tinJ 2-"' inmn3. '- DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, BuccesaorB to Diebold, Bahmaun 4 Co., CELEBEATED CINCINNATI TIRE AJTD BURGLAR PROOF S A F E S, And Earffent's Magnetic and Automatic Iank B C2 IB, fsim PKATT & COVERT. General AgenU 66 "SVsishington St., Chici;o. II. B. CLAWSOX, Supt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for Clan Terrltorj. r.Vi KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS yiUlintry and Straw Good, 68 70 Wabash Ave., PTTTp fl H fl 3 . 4 Dearborn Place, OXliLilUU (1 TRAVEL. UTAH CENTRAL KAILEIOAI). MM Aiir' -Tt . t n "' - - tV'lvl 1 , I I I'V'J'Kll PIONEER LINS CF UTAH, On and afirr Thui Htluy, Dec. 1, 1K70, Saily Bra his Leave Salt Lake City at a-ui and 1. m Arrive al Uleii 7 a. in. Mnd . p. m. Leave UK-den hi 8 a. 111. nnd .Ml p. hi. Arrive al Sail Lako City lu a.m. uud 7::iJ p.m Fare from hull Lake City to yood's Crof,8 9 .7u Oontrevillo j 1 jiiuiusiuu ci.-j iuyniiuti j i Otjdeu Fare from Oden Co Kaysvillo FiirminKt.iti Centrevillo 'xfi Wyuii's Crunn Salt Lake Oily ;, In addition to tho uliuvo AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ' Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKI) LeavinK OKdon at ft a. ni. and Sail Lake Citj at 4:40 p. ui., On which full faro will entitle tho imn-hwer of a ticket to ruiurn on tho baiuouaytiid train free. Pamcnijerg will jilrnne Purchai their 'i'lckeis at the Olhcei, Fifty Cent additional will bo rharired wbai the faro in culluoted un l'io uaiu. For all information concerning froinhl 01 panaffo, apply to D. O. CALUKit, Ticket and FreihtAc Salt Lako City. KUl'KKl NiKNI)K,VT, TP C LIVLRPOOL & QUEENSTOWN IN MAN LINE Of Royal Mall Steamer, Mailing from ev York Every Saturday AND AlteiMisile Tin.'sdaj'i Cabin PaK((t, io Lircil.Ji. IfM) $75. DO Steerage " " " (tur.) 30.0(1 Pa.sage from Liverpool 10 New Yrk Cabin, ... rOol.1) 173.00 Steerage, - - (Cu'rewj) 34.00 Round Trip Ticket ieucd at inn lo rn JOII.T G. DALK, kr 15 Broadway. Kew 1 "it. Or WILLIAM CALDKR, Ancnt, . uTi Salt Lakn Cil7. I'-"' MEDICAL SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE The Best and the Cheapest ! . Have I on Xrled Tn" ANTI-UYHPKPX1C, COr.lPGUND BDKESET PIUS. Uome-ina4e and purely veKetable, Twenty-fivecent per box Twenty-fire?: Warranted to give satUlacLion. They relieve Janndice, JJy?pepia, Icdi? tion, Liver Corn plaint, iiea-Ja'tje. Lo'J ol Appetite and Foul fetomah, will bra C-.Ma, Fever-, Cough-, and Purify the B '- I Tney will Clean;e the fttoinaeb, Kenor. 1 the system, and dicpel Jji-eae- Are V'1-11 I all caB where Phytic i needed. 'Iry a o'1-You o'1-You will lice them. and never want any oti" sort. They are Tonic, Cathartic and Lxp-I Lxp-I to rant- I OPTIIALMIC BALSAM, Or Eye Balm. I Valuable in most Diseases of the Ere!. Rf ; move- Inflammation. 3:rcng:ne:n toe !- and Weak or irooi-in Li "', ; healing and strenstbtning to lie I l. "' i causw no i.ain. It i" ' good lor ; K:ngworTii ir:d bad.Sore. Only iwenly-nve Genu per Vol. I COIN It LI IV SALVB. A valuable remedy for Cuts.BroL'e!, V.1' Sores, Burns, scalds, and fore. "l'.r., Back. Side or Breast and for EaaJ - U"f h'ese and other home-made famiir cinea are prepared by ; J. E. JOHXSOX, St. George, I' I And sold at Zion's Co-operative by other agenu throughout too Also sold at whole-ale or fumisncl ' mission to responsible agents, tun- .ur I icines are not kept at your stores, a I merchant to order them at one.. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS I' Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO los. 134 aud 13C GKA3D STI?EET Comer Crosby, 1 KVV YORK. One Block East of Uroadway, J iXii li lv |