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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Xip.ihon, it is siid, lias declared he w 1 , 1 lint rein: 11 t J l''i auee. lli-ts are op -et -d in New York fioia the strike of 11 ui-sootety quarry-nion. quarry-nion. The s-.m Andreas Jlo-pital, California, Cali-fornia, was burned ua Monday. Two lives were lost. lli-m nek says Germany holds sufficient suffi-cient Krone!) territory to secure the payment uf the war indemnity. Of the half million of treasure stolen in the I nited relates of Columbia, Colum-bia, ail but v?' e.).i . j, 1 hti.s Ueon recovered. Another route for an Isthmus canal is reported, thirty miles Ion-, greatest elevation 012 feet, expected cost fsiU'iAMW. Commune aeents have reached London Lon-don to buy provisions tor l'uris, 0 florin flor-in ir to pay in thirty days, but dealers don't like the terms. Tho penny ocean postage was the subject of a spirited debate in the Uiitish llou.-e of Commons, the government gov-ernment opposing it. General Spinner, Mrs. Barney Williams, Wil-liams, and a number of prominent ladies and gentlemen have sailed for Kurope on the .So .(.'!. It is announced thai Thiers meditates medi-tates a co)) cfffur after enroling Paris, making himself and ole.Mahon joint regents with the llmpress. There was some excitement in a Bel gian town on Tuesday, at live hundred canal-diggers marching in and demanding demand-ing wages some time due. They were paid. Seven persons have been poisoned ne ar Tohaeh ip ic. Los Angeles Co., by poisoned jerked beef, hung on aline for the.11 to take. One lived to tell how it occurred. A B ston dispatch says, four hundred hun-dred and fifty workmen, employed on the Dorchester district water-works, have struck for an advance of wages to two dollars a day. The citiet 'tis tickets have been elected in Gilroy. Suisim and Santa Cruz. California; Cal-ifornia; the Kepubliean at Grass Valley, Val-ley, California, and the Democratic at Virginia City. Nevada. Ju ice lilatehford says many of the New York street-car drivers? and conductors con-ductors are the accomplices ef rowdies and thieves, who insult and rob pas-set pas-set gers on the street-cars. A centra! American revolutionist, rt. 1:11 el Carreso. has imposed a forced '.an on the American steamer M n-Tho n-Tho I. S. s ea-ee.-r Ahs iei. proba'-'y joined by the Urtti-h war-ship war-ship '.:.':. will attend to the matter. |