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Show I Nekpm an Ordinance. Wo beg to j direct tho attention of the Municipal I Council to a matter which claims their consideration. If 11 person wishes to j buy a load of hay, or twenty loads, and goes into the hay market for that pur- poo, ho can very rarely purchase by j the ton. Tho hay haulers will tell him distinctly he must buy it by the load, and they will give tho weight at whatever what-ever figure they limy choose to guess. They will not allow it to ho weighed, ho may take it or leuvo it. Yesterday a gentleman wished to purchase a largo quantity nnd ho was compelled to buy on these terms. For personal satisfaction, satis-faction, after he had bought, ho had it weighed, and the hay haulers' tons turned out fifteen hundreds. So it is with wood. Tho woodhaulera refuse to allow it to bo measured or to sell by tho cord. If grain is sold by weight, so hay and coal should be, and wood by its measurement; and an ordinance making such weighing and measuring compulsory would do 110 injustice to tho sellers, wdiilo it would protect many buyers who aro novices at guessing weights and measures in such cases. |