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Show THK KV-KMPKROIl NAPOLEOS AS A "KlllK JAKKY." The Emperor Napoleon continues to recuivi' ovatioin from tlio English people. peo-ple. Yesterday lie visited the Queen. On hi arrival at Windsor several thousand thous-and of Imperial fawners flocked to the station, vociferously shouting, " Yeeve lamjirr ure!" with an enthusiasm as vigorous as their French was execrable. The Emperor and her Brittanic Majesty Ma-jesty had a quiet confabulation for a couple of hours but upon what themes rumor relatelh not. Suffice it to say that every possible ceremony of fitate was Mpent on tlie Emperor, and that be left Windsor right royally, as became a King, bowed and smiled to the adoring ador-ing throng of silly sight-seekers with a grace aud condescension which only requite re-quite to be persevered in to make bim the most popular refugee in England. On Sunday a fire broke out on Chhclliurst Common, which threatened threat-ened much havoc and desolation. Foremost ninong the volunteer suppressers of tlie fiery fiend was the Emperor of the French, who worked hand to hand aud shoulder to shoulder shoul-der with the humblest of clodhopper collaborateurs. All honor to him lor it; this little fact is as good as a volume. vol-ume. It shows how readily' the Emperor Em-peror adopts him.S'-lf '.o circumstances; how' faithfully he has fathomed English Eng-lish sentiment, and how artfully he can humor it, as well as what readiness he has yet in reserve, should some sudden shuffling of tho political cards place the sway of the empire once more at his disposal. We were all amused in this country reading of the Kaiser's election as an honorary member of a fire brigade somewhere in South Carolina. Caro-lina. His great rival lays not behind him in the race for honor. Is there no fire company in the States who can spare an honorary laurel for this doughty service of the Emperor in quenching the fiery fiend at Chisel-hurst Chisel-hurst ? Louis was with him. Rather a different renewal of the baptism of fire, your readers will think, but one suggestive and significant. Now they were engaged in suppressing the fell havoc of devastation. On another memorable occasion they sallied forth , firebrand in hand. London Cor. S-F. Chronicle. |