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Show JUDGE STRICKLAND il-ilAKS. J.vU "l'''' J I l,o.wr.:l !!.: lit..'. AM" i V I - : ' C'jiii:i':i m 'i fi '' ' ir 1 l: ' L It r.:.'l f-.lti: I- 1 .' '! l. Liiu a i.- i- !.!. I' 'I '" t!,..t "'11. f . ..!" I.' Ii, .u'.n r.n i.-. w a : I r ' " t tl: i,: j 'l i i.f 1'..- : ' .,.iM ,.,t I...-: r u !. i - :.. I,, !., -., t" ,i- : : ! , i. ij'ir-i:. 'i-t p- . in -. .. : , r - - ' . ,:rli,ti , ' Ii, t 1 : t I ' ' 1 1 :" -.,nm r y, " II it I.': ' i '.! 11'-' ai.:i afi, :! ..r A;:- i :., i. 1 ".W.tl.- r A r :,. , , 1 II .';,.'," :u l I tl.ii.V W , ,! I I. i . : i 1 1. IV..III error il' I,.: 1, i 1 r-i 1 l'.. -. - ' lilt!,: ii, if. nr.-!. i.'. A -t i i. k!jih',: j . - r it i 1 ii i!, . t- : t.N t. .1 nil'ri.' : ' n li,': a ' ' ' i I ' ' ' .bum ;' !'.: C-K.T-. i, l'.r tlii,-l. it. ,1 i . r . j -, - l a ; .I t .i hlnml I b : a l ti.i - rn'-O- Ju.l.;.! Str;.-'!4i l l'.r:.: !, l'. : ! b'l.'"' tint i ''..,'! 1 u; ii en-.. I t 1 r ail ',u(l,ln.!.: 1 oil! I a. t ," lr I..: . . -In! "l.i.rb: atl uiiiilv-"tfill l.". ' ' '"' ri-i w-ii!'l r.-t apiT-i,. tl.': i,.ni' y. Ju l.;.: ,ui. 1 1 1..! !.! ii -t v to WI,iu-:l'n to i i. I' .i.-r to r .i -Hiram to run tl.o c-i.rt-i in .'pji i-.'l -u t.) tlie M-,,,!,-, b'U to " t i.i to iy jurors wbo l.:i 1 .-. rvr.l. I . I 1 i : of tin! onirli la-t I'.lH rvarll - ',-IHo'., ',-IHo'., A.i'l .1' not, wi.y w;m t:i it auioont aA,-,l for'.' An 1 (1. 1 no! ,Iu !-: St.irL-luii'l St.irL-luii'l ri .ri -i. nt in V.i l.in--to!i, as tii-t tii-t : 1 -1.-r 1 1 i i", ill-iat'U aniioiiiir, '1, that pnitiiini'iit M ir in mi b:i I Inn 1 im IU-1 i lor ciiini'-i, ami I In; Morinoin wi-li,'l to b h k tin! w!. -i-U nl' ill- im iiK, tl.at llicM! (arlifi init'til not lu! tii.-.l.' An. I if bo ilnl mi r. o. - ii!, ill 1 li i not L now (Im ri'ri'M'.i!alion n irron fiHl.i'.' W'brn tin! .lu.L'.: tilt! Nt.l lli-cial lli-cial lli.triit i-'.r.tri ii j tl. -m! iiiatti-ri an 1 jrivrs ilain iii.MVrn t i 1 1. -in, it w.il b-timo b-timo fiHiuli I'urliiiii to in iki" i-'.iuis-.-hurl, in bo b i in i lo a ; uint tin! pU'--. aiul lb'! 1 1 KUAI.li ill pai lii-ular. Wl! WOlll I bl' ill ii-io 1 l'.r llui to tell in wln'n in ibo 1 1 KH M.l wbu b b-i a iorti"i) of I bi! ii'l'-s of o-uu' ry tbc stiiti'in.int ban b,-n nia.ln "tba! tbo ciinits bail ilt i'i' Ifil llu' I'. S M.ir-nb.il M.ir-nb.il .-.bonbl nv. ivo run.li to ay jiirora for I'liiii'il St:i!t- an.l 'lVrritovial lu-i-ni'si; ami tbat bo is tlio only lawful olliivr for tbi pin po.-o." An.l wo woul'l ubo bo '.oa-0'l to b.ivo him ay, if snob is not tbo virtual lu-tiou uf tbo oourls without formal iKoi-ion l . ;:u' Kivon? Ami if not, w hy uikI w hon I n o havo juiios h on ilisobar-Oil en tlio alh'O'.l '!oa ll'al fiuiils to pay thorn Oonhl not bo obt liiu J? U .vo s'lolulo-nianils s'lolulo-nianils for jurors' loos loon tin lo vot aoiMvilins to law a'.iJ t ! i ro 1 1 - h tho jTopor I'lluvr? hat f'ounty Court ha.s rofuoil to pay iho jurors' f o. when the proper lo-a! eertill.Mtes liave Ihvii lianJoil to u.' tliin'v Jiul.-o StriekbinJ in atteiup!tu.; to .lofon l bis position by arr.iiitniii a nowsi ap r has otiiv malo it wor-o. Tho Uf.u.m n omUavois with a';! oare toeo'iato faots aiul make jud.eious an 1 noivlful comments on them; ir.ul its columns have over beeu open to any member of the 1'i.i'u j.ulieiary to correct cor-rect atiythini; that they im-ht doom erroneous. Hat .liulo t-;iiek'aai s statement that wron- assertions have been made does not conic w 'u'u convine-iiiij convine-iiiij force to the country, so lor- as tho facts s'.iow that the assertions made were correct. If bis Honor wi.-bes facts produced to show that the courts have been run here in direct opposition op-position to the people, that ra'.hus hive been given overturning the decisions de-cisions of eighteen years in this Territory Terri-tory and the decisions rendered by the Supreme Courts of other Territories, and that a most determined etior: has beeu made by the courts to uestrey repu'e'iican institutions and local ; v-ertmient v-ertmient iu this Territory, we w,d eh lijrc him with them, to improve his ou memory, for it is net needed l y the public. With re.-ard to his intentiea to e, ive his court respected we thins he is ,;u:.;e rijtht, but we have also found an o;S-ecr's o;S-ecr's position respected who v.pri,h.ly and houorah'.v respected h;ait'.t in it. A year ao, if we mistake nor. Ju.Le Str'eklaud intiiriated in Trove tha: lie would have his court respected it' he had to call the military to compel respect. re-spect. We did no: he.tr then s:-.d hva not heard since tha: any disrespect disre-spect was manifested towarJs the Juditeorhis court: ar.-l new he announces an-nounces "I'h'.s Ce'.;e: he.s b-eea respee:-eJ,'' respee:-eJ,'' which seems to show the previeu implied threat u::eeei wets uncahci tor. out ef p'aee. and e.'e.dienir.e.:. AVe should be very plee.sed to see J udpe eetrieklan.l so compo: tre: tt.'.u-selfoti tt.'.u-selfoti the bench tha: no ''.slitrr lu: that of respect could exis: f r hi:-j oa it or i'a it; and i; is with -tea: a:ts-facttoa a:ts-facttoa tha: we i;.:e his cetioers.'.tieri with rrvside:;: Gruttt i :1 e '.1 . .1 utterances there recerde i. I: :s te . : hoped sueh sor.-.ixents reeay fc-.ve dominance atr.or. :.,e "lev erezy persoris here ;a I. :e.u. to wh. ti: evidea:!y refcxa.v is ree.Ie. l".a: we did net knew before uia: t-cre ever had existed any iear in 11: ef jurors being endassereJ ta t-e uncharge un-charge of thetr uuties. atid ;e,e i..t -matioD looks a h'tle i:se a s; a;u:-'sue attempt at the mock-Lerotc cn the par: of the Judce, for the President never could have had such an idea if he had been correctly informed. As will he seen by the teleertun re-csived re-csived ys:erday everiiner.Juage ttr.ei-land ttr.ei-land does not appear to be very thoroughly thor-oughly posted in matters pert lining to his? own district ; and that te yesterday waa again expending useless a:r on tuti ; r i f j :: : ' : , im-::.-j ii a- - e. .: .V. . vol '. . 1 : ... - .' ' : .. .- : ru- - .'. A ' - I ' : '. ; : . |