Show People and events Boston is straining this week to bring her fund for the unemployed up to an even 100OPO A reception to Mr Justice Brewer of the United States Supreme court will be given at the University Club in Boston this Friday evening A devout Canadian editor > of Three > < Rivers having repaired to his shop and wishing to resume business at the old stand in a manner becoming his selfrespect and the profession invited in-vited in the local priest and had him bless every department in the place Professor Richardson formerly of Dartmouth is now the director of the American school at Athens and has been appointed for a period of five years He is ably supported this year in his work by Professor John Williams Will-iams White of Harvard University The excavations this spring will be in charge of the director of the school and the material thus obtained will be available for special and original work by the students Miss Anna Gould is about 22 years old When Jay Gould died he left an estate valued theq at about 75000000 Miss Gould was educated at the Ogontz school near Philadelphia She is of medium height of rather dark coloring quite plain in her tastes especially in the matter of dress and very fond of music Mr William M Harriman to whom she is engaged is about ten years Miss Goulds senior He has a large fortune which he made in Wall street Jules Claretie paid a visit to Mile Rose Bonheur recently and he says that in spite of her seventyodd years she is bright and alert and quite youthful youth-ful in manner She lives with her large family of pet animals in a plain brick house on the outskirts of Fon tainebleau Forest The masculine attire at-tire of peasants blouse and trousers which she wears she adopted years ago for temporary use while visiting the great slaughter houses of Paris to study cattle from real life for her paintings Bourke Cochran has the greatest voice in either house of Congress I is the loudest and strongest and it I would be most musical if he did not so soon become hoarse with excitement I fills the hall of the House as no other voice does Cochran will be 40 on the last day of February but he looks except for the thick growth of hair on his head almost as old as his chum Tom Reed who is 54 The bond of friendship between these men of big physique has grown stronger than ever They lunch together smoke together to-gether and occasionally walk together down Pennsylvania avenue A story which has been told of more than one Russian is revived by a St Petersburg correspondent At a little station not far from St Petersburg the czar as the story runs made a somewhat longer stay than he had originally intended and feeling hungry hun-gry he partook ofs ome simple foood at the buffet Meanwhile the little daughter of the mayor presented the empress with a bouquet the flowers of which were hastily gathered from private hothouses in the neighborhood The stocks being still damp and dirty the empress visibly embarassed hesitated hesi-tated for a moment to soil her gloves by taking the bouquet whereupon the czar clinched the matter by seizing one of the heavy pewter dishes on the table and twisting it as if it were paper made a neat covering for the stalks The story has at least vralsem blance as the czars muscular strengths i strength-s undoubtedly abnormal Evangelists as Well as sinners must stand a joke when there Is a clear case against them Once upon a time dur ing l a Moody revival meeting in Hart ford i was proposed to start a Y M C A and in the stages of organization to reconcile the liberals and the or thodox the apostles creed was offered as a measure of compromise Mr Moody and George Pentecost who afterward left his Brooklyn pulpit for work in India represented one party When they were told that for the sake of peace the insertion of the Inserton apostles creed as a condition of active membership member-ship would be conceded Mr Moody with refreshing frankness 11r confessed his entire ignorance of that symbol Pentecost said he what is the apostles creed anyway I dont know Pentecost was not in a con dition of incandescence regarding COl the subject Wherefore some information informaton was imparted and then the creed aforesaid was produced and read Mr Moody listened intently and then said Thats good and asked to have it read again On the second reading he seemed to like i very much indeed as one might expect from such a catho 5 lic l and apostolic man He thought it i would do knd Pentecost agreeing it was accepted Though it is a trifle amusing these powerful evangelists naive confession that they hadnt heard of the apostles creed i in no wise decreases popular respect for at least l that one of those two apostles better known in the west Dwight L Moody |