Show Simply Love Taps I Devotees of the roped arena found an irresistible attraction at Fitzgeralds gymnasium last night at which time a number of friendly but exciting set t os were pulled off Jimmie says it isis h is-is intention to treat his patrons tot to-t hese exhibitions In the manly art at east l once each week and to the end that they may be instructive as well as entertaining will book nothing but the cream of local talent Western train robbers who rifle the mail bags use their rifles on the trainmen ntoo men j The first number of Picturesque America can be had at The Heralds I counting rooms Iii I I-ii I < t liii DO WOMEN KNOW IF THEY DO NOT THEY CERTAINLY CERTAIN-LY SHOULD A MOST INTENSELY INTERESTING MATTER FOR ALL Some Things Which Will Give Pleasure Pleas-ure to Every Woman There are two hings which every woman wo-man desires She wants to present an attractive appearance to look just as well as possible and she wants to feel well Most weaknesses and diseases affect the looks makes the complexion bad the skin dark and bilious looking the eyes haggard with dark circles under them the breath offensive and possibly cause disfiguring t eruptions Read the experience of Mrs Mary A i Newson wife of Robert Newson who has been connected with as a trusted ellI ell-i ployee the Z C M I for the past twen tyone years y MRS MARY A NEWSON 19 QUINCE STREET SALT LAKE In making her statement for publication she slates as follows I was seriously III for about one and I onehalf years before commencing treatment treat-ment with DR DE MONCO of the I COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE I j I was confined to my bed a last winter 1 consulted many doctors but all to no purpose and was at last persuaded try Dr DC Monco as a last resort with results re-sults most gratifying indeed as now I am a well woman I My heart seemed to cause me the most I alarm as I suffered very much from irregularity Ir-regularity of its action My nervous system sys-tem was completely shattered at least so j the doctors said I was a victim of I NERVOUS PROSTRATION Terrible headaches all the time cold I chilly sensation all over me at times vertigo or dizzy spells was unble to sleep no appetite food did not taste natural lest excitement or exertion would cause my heart to palpitate most violently and then cease to beat entirely for what seemed t me an age but really but a very short period Memory very ba eyes weak and watery and spots before them constantly Considerable pain was sometimes present and they felt hot and burnt Mouth wa as dry and parched up a a piece of I leather I Pains in hands and all joints was very severe was unable to cut my own food Hands were stiff and could not use them My left side was swollen all the time more or less and the sense of feeIng much impaired this caused myself and friends much anxiqty a we were afraid L of Paralysis I have forgotten many symptoms but will be pleased to see and talk with all who may be interested for themselves or friends Would state that Dr De Moncos diagnosis was ALL WRONG WITH THE CIRCULATION and he was right and he righted the wrong as I am now a well woman Myself and family fam-ily cannot say too much In praise of r froissy physician Let those who I wish call and see me In conclusion will say I am fiftynine years of age which makes my case the more remarkable in my estimation SPECIALTIES Catarrh and nil discuses of Ear Eye Throat anu L Lung Nervous DisCasei Skin Discuses Dis-cuses Chronic and Special Diseases of both sexes 6 PER MONTH FOR CATARRH MAIL Unexcelled treatment by mail Diseases diagnosed by symptom blank Questions about all chronic diseases cheerfully answered an-swered Write for symptom blank THE COPELAND JDICAL INSTIUTE Locttd Permanently Uooras 200 201 202 and 203 in the Progress iilcllnfc HOIJTH MAIN STREET SALT XtAKE I DrA DeMonco Consulting Physician In Uniform Excellence Superior Workmanship and Perfect Operation L Will do better work Wildo with less I fuel and lat longer than any other cook apparatus made > OLD BY z C M I p XK ALL THEIB STOKES THE CULLEN HOTEL NOW CONDUCTED ON THE AMERICAN PLAN 1 States S200 to IS2BQ a Day Also European Plax GEORGE CGIiLINa Aaaigneo > J T I 1 MERICANIZED l ECJILOPOiA BRITANNICA By subscribing to this paper for one year at the regular subscription rates we will furnish this great modern work of reference FO8 250 A MONTH FOR A YEHR Now dont quit here and go to reading something else ycoll be sorry I you do For what we are going to say concerns the Welfare of Your Children Child-ren Your Own Comfort Improvement and the Happiness of your Home Have you never dreaded the influence on your children of the sensational fiction of the day We offer you an antidote for that evil Do you never when you have a spare belthour long for something good to read something interesting but trashy 1 something that shall bA4 always ready to hand and not form to your had you spend your precious minute mnute hunting it up We offer you Q collection of joafc that 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compiled fifteen years ago la its lifetime of A hundred years and more it has gathered to itself the ohoicest work of the besi writers of each successive generation sparing no expense t secure from every expert in every department of human knowledge the best he was capable of giving On the preparation of its various editions ithas spent more than three millions sterling and the cost of the latest or ninth edition alone was not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS But the Encyclopaedia Britannica haa three defects which detract tom its twefulness i an American family In the first place part of its latest edition i now fifteen years or half a generation behind tho age I the next place it makes no biographical mention of any persons vho were living when it waa compiled no matter how famous they may have been General Grant even 1 is left out And lastly Encyclopaedia Britannica i English work compiled com-piled for the use Englishmen in England and a is only natural under such circumstances it treats all subjects of peculiarly English interest exhaustively and those of purely American interest with far less than the subject warrants Three pages to an English County and o column or less to an American State i about the proportion The Americanized EnJclo padia Britannica Cntais ever subject the Encyclopedia Britannica does with the ebovedt foots carefully amended The entire work has been revised to date and a series of ninetysix new maps inserted over 4000 new biographies have been added including ever person of prominence in the entire worldand the Encyclopaedia has been Americanized by reducing the space allotted to peculiarly English subjects and by enlarging that devoted to topics of purely American interest The reaul is we honestly consider the Bet Encyclopaedia in the World today to-day and that i saying a great deal EIGHT CENTS DAILY WILL SECURE YOU THIS GREAT WORK OUR PROPOSiTION J We will deliver at your address complete set of the Americanized Encyclopgedia 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