Show t A GREAT TERRITORY Of Which Salt Lake is the i Metropolis WEALTH OF MINERAL RESOURCES The Soil From Which to Produce and Mar kets to Consume City Without a Parallel or Peer There i always a certain proportion of our national population which is constantly on the alert for some new place constanty or for a place or section in which to embark in some business pntp1nri m n1 u O uuu In vestment of il surplus means These various classes of our people have been the varous means of so rapidly and grandly developing our country This has been accomplished by successive stages and just as the means for settling and settlng developing a new state and new cities have ciies so greatly improved with w each decade so have grand young cities and new states into sprung being each succeeding one following at quicken ing l intervals in the wake of its last and most brilliant briiant predecessor With the more modern the highly improved facilities for acquiring growth each succeeding metropolis of its respective region grows more rapidly and more thor oughly Cities grow now much more rap idly and sections develop sectons more quickly than they did forty thirty twenty ten or even years There ago is now more wealth in this country seeking new fields there felds are now more active and more in the United States energetic people I Unied seeking new locations there arc now far better and bGter more numer otis facilities for facities states than pbUidin cities and in the past The brilliant cesses which have marked the fortunes suc of those men of brain and enterprise who t respectively cast their lots with the and rising cities of the young r Mississippi and the valley northwest the Missouri river valley the Plains the and the mountains I Pacific II Pacifc coast have I firmly f established frm in the minds of the American people an absolute assurance that wherever be found the are to resources which constitute i unmistakably the upbuilding the of a necessary great and element coun for try just so sure must there be some one central which as city a of paramount importance to common magnet will be drawn the wealth of wi 1 that vast and try Such prolific coun a city must and does its tributary serve for country as a great heart sending out ana receiving geat al tion of its receiving each pulsa and each the steady stream flow of of trade along commercial and through life 1 commerce laden with the healthful and tie invigorating strength of newed an < growing life ° re That such resources and is i a rfesources advantages exist sufcient guarantee that garantee there must there will be under the advantageous ern facilities for mod flfivoinn asme for facities country development a metropoli S No better basis for upon or its city a is to be created upbuilding than one a founded country combination requisites of production and of such natural wealth consumption of found in the produce and labor as are to be IfiM great intermountain greatermountain of which country yW Utah territory is the teriory central ni CIt T n1 L centra arch with the 1 possible UIC ll1Y ia Keis 3ne There is mineral or mineral exception of tin ore no product of v alue which is commercial not found in merchantable q uaatities and in quanttes not found in Utah accessable1oclitiesthatjs or in these states jerritories The same is and sae eminently true of a 11 agricultural and al agiculural ad kindred resources Into to days crude stage of development neither Utah nor any adjoining Uh state adjoining or territory has yet given even the slightest gven indica tions of its capacity for slghtst producing werlth sustaining a large producig werlh a great city upbuilding No better idea no more thorough I ciation of the thorOUih appre cation inevitable truth that this great intermountain intermountan country is capable of not only maintaining but actually demands a great metropolis than to quote from the kst l annual report of Governor tie Arthur L T Thomas of Utah some facts and fibres c concerning Utah fgres as a fair indication of what the indcation other states and sttes territories are capable From terrtories these same figures sae fgures it is also plainly apparent that Salt Lake city not only commands the situation indisputably but that her leadership will wi continue in the a ascendancy There are many other excel lent l towns in this and adjoining states territories I is only natural that such and a t tributary tt country should sustain such towns Each of these will be a factor wi in the growth and strength of Salt Lake city and will retain its wi proper position aid to the as an a last named city but they will never in wi any sense rival nor in any way be I a menace to her development superiority or her rapid I IHRIGATIOX lORE CERTAIN RAIX RSF LI To the eastern or Mississippi farmer the idea of having to irrigate valley his I land carries with it landcarres an entirely wrong im pression His mind is filled with ideas of hot fled vague and sandy wastes wasteo Nothing could be more erroneous No field in the subirrigated valleys of the rich alluvial r river oottoms of the Mississippi aluvial valley states can equal much less excel in valey riance a field in Utah under the quick ening influences of an irrigating ditch Many questions are asked as to the means the cost and benefits of irrigation benefts To attempt to cover the ground fully would be beyond the scope of a work of this size Briefly it may be stated that tho average irrigating season opens May 1 and con opns tinues until September 15 unt During this period the water is perod turned on an average of seven times and allowed to run from sis to ten hours each time In tie cases where there is a snperabundance of water more extravagant irrigating may be done The annual cost per acre where the water is i furnished by a company ranges from two to three dollars per acre Where the water right costing from eight to twenty dollars per acre constitutes a portion of the stock l of a cooperativewatercompany cooperatve company irrigating irrigatng indiscriminately the farms 1 of Gentile or 1 Mormon the cost is purely nominal I amounting only to keeping up the ditches The assurance not only that he will have a cron but a Iood onp 1 i nnn have it spoiled by bad weather v after being uu gathered and that he will find a ready sale in a near market at better than eastern prices is a great source of satisfaction and profit to the farmer who can raise more produce with less labor than he can in the eastern or so called western states Irrigation is in its Irrigaton is infancy There are i millions of gallons of water going to waste in the spring and early summer months which can be profitably stored in reser voirs and let out as desired during the growing season This matter is beginning to receive attention by individuals and also by the government Pratically all of the irrigating is done from the mountain streams To some extent flowing artesian wells have been driven to depths of from 100 to 275 feet and quite a large amount of laud can now be irrigrted in that way Of the total area of Utah territory there are now in cultivation in twentYfour counties 5oOdM acres Only partial l re part ports from tvelve out of twentyfour ties indicate that in those counties 352090 acres more are irrigable under the present canals From new canals in tweatj coun ties 2770263 more can oe added and by reservoirs in eleven out of twentyfour counties 361000 acres can be placed under cultivation This would make a grand total ot 4034807 with only incomplete estimates esti-mates I is safe t say thatfully twenty times as much produce can be raised in Utah as is now grown That would mean millions of dollars every year and thousands thou-sands of people That day is not far dis tant when every acre of tillable land in Utah will be worth as much as the same amount of ground in New York state POPULATION There having been no census of this territory ter-ritory taken since tSSO the only reliable in I dicabon of her present population is to be found in the last annual report of Governor Thomas October 20 1880 in round numbers 23000 Salt Lake county had 60000 or three times as much as any other county Utahs population in 1880 was 143902 natives of United States S9JCJ natives of Utah 50841 Since 1SSO the population has been increased 16094 by Mormon immigra lIormon tion Added to the population of 1880 equals 1CO000 I the net increase 0 Utah born inhabitants has been twothirds as much ia the last ten as in the preceding thirty odd years add 53320 to 160000 making 213320 In 1600 23320 InlSSO 1880 there were 19000 Americans not born in Utah Now there are three times as many Add 57000 gives 270320 Mak 27030 ing fair discount for deaths etc 230000 will rather fall short of than 2000 real population of Utah in 1890 The following table is taken from the official report of Governor Arthur tm Thomas October 20 1889 Owing to the fact that it is impossible to obtain the obtin figures of the national census just taken these figures from the governors report will be found to be l quite accurate as will uc tvmenca ny the fgres on nait Lake city and Ogdens populations as published in another column The publshed governor Salt Lake as 450 while tile national gave ecu sus shows natonal 49979 He 4997 He gave Ogden as 15000 and the national census shows 1500 census taken by the city authorities of Salt authortes Lake gives this city in June lSO a popu lation of 527 POPULTOX ASSESSED VALUE AND INDIBTED NS 18 a5 0 Ss i 0 r 5fic b ll t < I g lilies incorporated under special charters American Fork O None 23 18 AlpIne i00 400 319 700 2 40 Beaver eaiirt r0o 19J0 1911 21171 r Brigham Cityt3oooo None I nwo 191 O 30 1t Cedar City 120 8 10 691 Coa1vie 16o None 15 91 Cornne 162J None 2 2 EphrIm 12C None 24 1698 I FairIew fO None 12 8 Fimore iEXl 987 100 BJ 10 98 Gmantsville150000 None 80 IC0 Hyum 2O None 210 12 Kaysvilleuao000 5000 IC ll8 LehiCity 270340 None 2230 153 I Logan E 45 33G I ManU None 25 1719 I Mendon None COO 547 1 MoronL 401 None 12 53 I Mount Pleasant 180000 None S54O 2061 > 2O Morgan 1218 None 70 4k I Ogden 100000 15CO0 6061 II I tOO 100 15CO 6Ct Park City t215 None 60 12 S Parowan 100 None I 0 951 Payson 228O00 None 2300 1788 220 23 Pleasant Grove 2B 40 2200 1775 Provo 1O None G000 34 Rchfeld 1 3521 None 17 119 Richmond 1670 None 1130 115 1 Salt Lake city 16617 3o 450 11167 S Smithfield147640 1l 1 O 1177 Spanish Fort23832 None tO 23 SprIng Cty 612 None 100 S Springvllle420007 None 30 2312 St Geor e 131 1400 133 S 2315 11 140 Tooele Clty 100 None 110 01 18 Washingtons3700 None 3t 43 3 Welsvle 100 None V lb 3 Wiard 73tr 451 I 6 U 2 Cities end towns incorporated I un de general laws Bear Rver 1551 None 40 m Fountain Green 714 None 71 1j1 1 Heber City p None 1t i a Kanab 469W None 570 31 Monroe 710 None 8 71 NephL None 22 1797 Salem 50 6 51 t Total 88329 495541 154831 S810 No return fThe assessment for city pur poses Is 5 per cent higher than for county and errftorlal purposes puroses The present indebtedness of Salt Lake city exclusive of cash in treasury Lake July 1 I8f0 ASSESSED VALUATIONS TABLE 1890 LESS THAN ONEFIFTH ACTUAL VALUE IN SALT LAKE CITY N COUNTY Real 1 Personal Total County Property Property 189 Beaver S 38148550 365634 005 747119 SO 36 0 Box Elder 1991702 00 482492 00 474194 f 0 44920 Cache 1659030 0 711628 00 2370653 0 I Davis 1355370 0 213349 0 1568719 0 Emery 1625133 0 15234400 1757477 0 1774770 G arfield 5 5 240831 60 Iron 219537 CO 21217 00 440754 IJ 2t953 C 21211 0 00 Juab 475 0 93009000 612093 00 1598194 00 612080 I ane105520 0 29665800 40217800 Millard 214110 00 662581 0 876671 0 Moran l6 0 11362700 497287 CO Plute 78143 0 24350400 32152600 2r 0 315 Rich 228619 0 210026 0 43354500 Salt Lake 15299538 CO 5430743 0 20730286 0 San Juan 37500 263094 00 26406900 O 2090 Sanpete 1203380 0 504622 00 1768002 t2 0 Sever 42357500 386911 0 810480 0 Summit 1146498 32 910443 24 2056941 56 oJ91 Tooele 50487400 713131 00 1218005 5 0 713131 1218rJ Uintah 623300 24003300 332310 0 U tah3626866 0 810000 0 4436S69 0 Wasatch 420682 CO 217718 0 66840000 I Washton 327345 0 missoo 675827 r I C Weber 3656954 00 1562b95 00 3695 0 5t895 0 5221849 0 I Total 35925725 48 15750855 2 51917312 3 No report Increased valuation over 188S lS5165fi or 13 per cent Increased revenue over I IbST 5503243 or 20 per cen t The total actual wealth of the territory terrtorj is more than 200000000 The output is rI about as follows UTAHS 5YEAHLY OUTPUT SB i9 Gold silver lead copper seaboard n prices 12500000 Coal 241895 tons 1250 Agricultural and horticultural 4000OCO I Dairy eggs poultry etc 100000 I 100 Increase of livestock at 3 percent 5000000 Wool 10000000 lbs at 15 cents per Ib 1500000 Lumber hides and pelts salt trick 150 etc 1000000 Other manufactured articles 4tOO000 In round numbers 530000000 A STOCK AND PACKING HOUSE CENTRE That Utah and the intermountain Sand S-and territories need a stock and packing centre is admitted by everyone In 1889 Utah assessed 1962463 cattle hogs and sheep at 11291480 An old and well es tablished firm which has been wel the wholesale butchering business in Salt Lake city for nearly a score of years has concluded to and will early in July begin the erection of a packing house capable of I killing 1000 hogs and 400 cattle per day 1 The entire property will costabout 250000 Splendid stock yards are also to be erected at the same time They are White Sons con positive certainty instead of being an imaginary im-aginary institution based only upon the hope of booming and selling enough real estate with which to build a packing house and then sell all of the real estate whether or not the packing house ever runs a day or not as is being done elsewhere by land schemers UTAHS WEALTH IN ACRES Total land area acres 52601600 Total water area acres 1779200 Total irrigablearable lands acres 3COOOGO Total timber lands acres 11840000 Total standing timber acres 0400000 Total milling timber acres 1600000 Total surveyed date acre4 130000 Total disposed under the land laws 3000000 Total coal lands disposed of acres S5000 Total acres under cultivation about 500000 Total silver mines disposed of 1500 It will be seen that there is plenty of good and unoccupied public domain still left in Utah MIXES AND MININR Without attempting to go into details or to elaborate upon Utahs present prosperous prosper-ous and very promising condition as one of the chief mining territories of the Union some of the more important facts in connection con-nection with the most important industry will be mentioned It may not be very well known but it is nevertheless a fact that Utah has a greater diversity of available avail-able deposits of the valuaole mineral products pro-ducts than has any other state or territory in the Union as the appended list will demonstrate The following list while by no means ex haustive gives the principal counties where the various minerals are chiefly found Alum Utah and Salt Lake counties north Aluminum Davis and Morgan counties north r Antimony Box Elder Piute and Gar field counties Agate Emery county southeast Arsenic Iron and Washington counties south i Albertite Uintah county northeast Baryta Various Bismuth Juab Sanpete and Morgan counties = Cadmium Morgan county north Copper Jnab Millard and Salt Laka counties Copperas Utah county central Coal Summit Utah Sanpete Emery and Iron counties Carbonate of Soda Utah county Chalcedony Various Chrysolite Various Cinnabar Quicksilver Ore Sanpete county Embolitc ChlorBromid Silver Wash ington Morgan ana Tooele counties i Fullers Earth Various J Geyserite Various f Gold Salt Lake Tooele and other coda ties t tiesGranite Granite Salt Lake county etc Gtapbite or Plumbago Utah county Gypsum Washington Juab and Sanpete counties Hornblende Various Iron Magnetic and Hematite DavLj Morgan Juab Cache and Iron counties Jasper Various Jet Sanpete and Emery counties Kaolinite or China Clay Utah Lake Davis and Tooele counties Salt Manganese Utah and Tooele counties Malachite Juab Beaver and othercoun t ies iesMarble Marble in Varieties Various MicaDavis Salt Lake and Garfield counties Nitre Various Oolite Sanpete county Opal in varieties Various Ozokerite or mineral satch and Emery counties waxUtah Wa o ther Rock counties saltSanpcte Sesier Juab and Saltpetre Utah county Silver Almost all counties Sulphur Millard c ounties Beaver and Utah Topaz white yellow DlaeTooele Bo Elder and many other counties f Tourmaline Various > TalcUtah > Emery and Pie counties Zmdblende and Sulphade Various In addition to the above the r arer minerals following are found in greater quantities or less AcUnoUte alabaster thvst amphibole almandite ama anglesite anthraconite apatite aragonite argentite arsenohtei arsenopyrite azurite barytocalcite asbestos basalt atacamite biolrte T itugite bite men bog iron bole oosjemanite caiespar calamine A catseye < a canthUe cerargyrite cerussite chalybite chessylite chromite chScol cuprite dendrite dolomite somite erubescite epidote en franklimte feldspar floss fern freieslebenite berite hydrargillite hJdrostome galenite glue iderite lignite limonite linaritemanesite hydros magnetite miargyritemolybdenatefead trocalcue ni uitroglaubcrite cite various pickermgite olivine onyx pnesgenite obsidian JSa pisolite prase prouttte pyrargynte pyrites pyrolusite phite 0 pyroxene quartz rad calcite pyromor ribbon Jasper rose quartz ruby silver per sal ammonia nard ruby cop saidonx ix satin spar selemte siderite Ian iron sphalerite smitbsonite spec phur trachpte spinal stephan sul tremolite tufa rite witherite tetrahed wulfenite zooliteTStI In order to form zincite some idea of tho n J u uL eon o f wealth to Utah rapiiuy it increasing source t hat m the past nineteen may be mentioned years Utah has produced p over one hundred and fortyseven million dollars worth of More than twelve million precious metals t his was produced dollars worth of Jus last year and the e at indications pros are thatl89 889 It is probable that will far surpass lu with the grow g tendency toward favorable O n the srsassBsfe question o f the Utahs production g reat rzpidity precious metals will > increase with One of the most important b ringing about factors in such an a ffairs will be the Salt i30portant Lake state of c hange which is really a mining stock cx T his institution and exchange many other r a ire influences attracting pinit j capital tn the minas of a nd in Utah consequence r apidly and thoroughly they are being ye developed There are a Utah eleven la rge stamp mills smelters s and What ten sampling work may possibly be the l immediate iture of Utah and of t Salt Lake is hing which some even their m irors do not even dream most sanguine ad r cm icably bright The luture is GXOWTH OK UTAH AND SALT LAKE c tte The ttKhP etntlof the great state3 and the waves Baginning country has gone in with thegroiveit state ofit st immeoratelv west of th ATI the r t he tide of envgration Alleghanies a nd the move rested for a while marvelous Vestward inaugurated that devepment of Illinois msntof the great state ran and Wiscotx srreiljng out towards Michi thea Kansas Nebi Next came Iowa Following in the wale ot and Minnesota state came the Dakotas the last named Denvers wonderful o1omndos i and grown closely Some ten followed years ago an aaoser wave had set in towards TennesseV tidal bama Georgia and Florida later Ala over into Texas Southern re1Iuin California the great field for a time v Tae then territory of Washington next took on its rapid development but now that all other sections of the country have had to initial steps of their development it mains for the great tide of immigration aq j capital to turn toward the new intermouj thin states and territories of which Utah V the grand central figure Here will be the nezt period of great development rapid and substantial growth No transcontinental line of railway that ever crosses thr country from Cheyenne Denver or Paeblo to San Francisco will fail to pass through Salt Lake city and from her reaching out like the spokes of a great wheel of commerce propelling and carrying this metropolis will be built rail roads in all directions Distributing to the farmers of the rich valley and to the miners of the mountains glittering in wealth the results of the labor of Salt Lake citys busy toiling masses in return for which Salt Lake will have poured into her lap the wealth of all the sources of her tributary towns be expended through Sal Lakes instru mentality and for her randizemtnt in the next few ears will reach such mar vellous and stj ijins proportions as to excite the wonder J admiration of the entire civilized world And the grandest feature about it all ia that Salt Lake has at her very doors and can and will design and construct everything incident to the great growth in contemplation All of the material can be furnished here All of the work can be done here All of the money can be earned and expended here and all of the benefits will be experienced here SUCH 13 THE FLTCKE of the great intermountain country and its metropolis Those who display the fore sight and business tact by early embracing the opportunity afforded by making their homes here by investing here or engaging in mining manufacturing business or in farming will reap the greatest benefits af forded anywhere All other fields in the United States have been occupied and the intermountain country presents the only one still open to investigation and duval |