Show REAL ESTATE MEN They Board the Raymond For a Trial Trip WILL BE PART OF THE CARNIVAL the Sales Matte and Filed for Record Yesterday Yester-day Other Business and Realty Matters There was a gocdly attendance at the real estate exchange meeting yesterday morning Lynch Carroll offered a piece of property oil North Temple street at F125 per foot which constituted the days busness In that line the principal business being the consideration of todays trip to the Ogden carnival Superintendent Lett was appointed to secure transportation and report to an extra meeting at 5 oclock When the meeting reassembled Mr Lett announced the party would go via the Union Pacific leaving the depot at SlO this morning Upon their arrival in Ogden they will be placed in Grant Bros big excursion coach Raymond drawn by i eight horses andjvill ba assigned a conspicuous conspic-uous place in the parade Each member and there will be about fifty in the crowd will wear a linen duster and a silk hat An elegant banner bearing the motto Salt Lake Real Estate Exchange Hex II will be earned Two bugicrs have been secured I and theOgdenites may rest assured that i the Salt Lake delegation will form a very prominent feature of the days festivities The party is composed of John Johnson T H Haunan G A Edwards A T Gunnell Fred T Leonard E L Craw E r Jones J W Whitehead jr J M Kennedy TA Wickershaui A H Mayw W J Harvey Alfred Dunshee Louis F Kullak C E Wantla Arthur H Parsons W L Brown R C Woodrow E B Walker J M Wilson H C Lett W H Sells W H Ljtt W F Shelton H V Meloy A N Janes P Van Bus i kirk G 11 Botltwcll 1 C Conklin I Charles H Schreiner J S Durjdn A J I Varney W L Barret Earl D Gray T i L Bowman John Montgomery John Groesbeck H Hardy and John T Lj iieli In consequence of this visit there w Jl be no meeting of the exchange today The party will return this evening The Raymond was sent up to Ogden last evening and was escorted to the depot By members oaf the exchange They gave three cheers and a tiger for the Giant of the Rockies as they passed THE HEUALU corner I |