Show The Union Ticket Office Split It now begins to look as though the union ticket office which has been kept up by the Union Pacific and Rio Grande Western I fail ways in this city for some time past would be ripped up the middle this morning There were rumors of a disagreement disa-greement on Saturday last but at the request re-quest of those who were interested in healing heal-ing the breach THE HERALD refrained from mentioning the matter but as usual the old lady in the new calico dress down the street gives a yelp opens her mouth and puts both feet in it Mr Bennett we understand denies using the language the old lady attributes to him in regard to Fory Eccles who is now in the union ticket office of-fice The resignation of Mr Benton who was lately appointed postmaster goes into effect to day and this leaves his late position posi-tion in the union ticket office vacant It was expected generally that George Hedges who has been Mr Ben tons assistant for some time would succeed him but to this the Union Pacific people object it being understood that their candidate is Forey Eccles This will not be listened to by the Rio Grande Western folks and unless Mr Holcomb and other officials wire the local office to submit to tho wishes of the Rio Grande Western today will doubtless see the office of-fice abolished and each road will sell tickets tick-ets on its own account THE SlLIT HAS COME Since the above was in type the following follow-ing wire has been received from Mr Mel len and the Union Pacific portion of the office will be removed this morningS morning-S W Eccles Salt Lake You may discontinue the joint agency and hereafter sell your tickets from your own ofhre C S MELIEN Commencing morning the Union Pacific Pa-cific will sell tickets intheir own building and the exunion ticket office will be graced only by the face and form of Geo I Hedges Fory Eccles being across the street |