Show British Naval Maneuvers Special to TIE HERALD Examiner Cablel LONDON June 29The entire efforts of the forthcoming British naval maneuvers will be devoted to testing the strength from a commerciaLpoint of view entirely n the British ports and the mercantile marine The admiralty has been influenced by the remarks of American naval experts and officials including Captain Zalinskl and xSecretary Whitney and perceives tliat iTis probable that the future use of the navy will merely be to protect commerce com-merce and i is a generally accepted fact over here that neither ships nor ports aro at present invulnerable Therefore for such a test as this the next maneuvers will be carried on Saturday next the Blen heim the largest man ofwar that has ever been built will be launched from the Thames Iron works Yesterday the Pallas cruiser sailed irom ner dock at Portsmouth Ports-mouth This is the first vessel of the new class of which several are to be built within the next few years In relation to the English project of purchasing pur-chasing the Louisiana lottery privilege a wellknown broker told your correspondent correspond-ent this morning that the British public will never be asked to subscribe to the enterprise en-terprise The scheme of the syndicate in which each member has probably subscribed sub-scribed about ten thousand pounds will never be quoted in the London market It is most likely that i the privilege is obtained ob-tained the shares will be placed on tho French German and other European markets mar-kets and possibly on the SouthAmerican Robberies from railroad passengers in France have become alarmingly frequent of late in spite of efforts to stop them A most all the thieves are English ExSecretary Whitney sails for New York Wednesday by the Majestic While at Gladstones garden party Saturday he asked the grand old man if he would not overcome his prejudice in regard to ocean voyages and cross the Atlantic Gladstone assured Mr Whitney that his desire to cross increased with each year but he suffered suf-fered so much in merely crossing the English Eng-lish channel that he feared he would never be able t summon courage to cross the Atlantic At-lantic Mrs C A Bonyages concert was highly successful Mme Albini sang for the first time there in the present London season She was in superb voice The Henschels also performed Among Americans present pres-ent were Henry White the secretary of legation Mrs Garrison fresh from her Cannes triumphs Mrs and Miss Winslow L 1 ana iiaay Basnets tingusn ivristocracy was represented by the Marchioness of Hartford the Countess of Carnarvon the Earl and Countess of Portsmouth Countess Count-ess Latham Countess Shrewsbury Earl I Spencer Kohn Prince and Princess Malcolm |