Show The brief in THE SUNDAY HERALD to the effect that Mr R K Thomas was in favor of a general closing of business houses from Thursday night to Monday morning was quite favorably discussed yesterday and as a result a committee consisting orT or-T W Cottle G E Gushing and H S Leivinson have addressed tho following communication to the firms whose names follow it To the merchants of Salt Lake city < Gentlemen We as committee in behalf of the employees of your several firms respectfully ask you to close your places of business on Saturday 5th The communication is addressed to the following firms Z C M I The Walker Bros Co F Auerbach Bro Rudolph AW Grocsbeclc 8 Houghton Sorent Carlquist Hirschmann R K Thomas Utah Stove and Hard George A Alder 8 Son ware Co Alonzo Young 8 Co D O Calder Estate Thomas Jennings H Dlmvoodey Simon Brothers Codltcr 8 Snelgrovc Solomon Brothers Little Houndy Co Barton Sc Co Barnes Lewis Co Studebaker Brothers Coop Furniture Co Spencer Clawson Co Barratt Brothers Spencer Kimball Bee Hive S R Marks Co Peoples Equitable Clark Eldredge Co Coop Western Shoo and Dry Goldsmith Co Goods Co David James 8 Co M Nadel 8 Son Hcebch t Ellerbeck Hardy Young Co H Young 8 Co Fuller 8 Young G F Culmer 8 Bro Kahn Bros J W Farrell Co J P Gardner Geo Mullen 8 Co Geo M Scott 8 Co W L Packard jr Salt LakeHardwareCo Cunulngton Si Co Joseph Simon W Claey Co Koble Wood Co Cohn Bros S Teasdcl Hooch 8 Clawson Steelo 8 Co |